Team Members’ Publications

Ahmed, Rukhsana

Ahmed, R., &  Mao, Y. 2022. “Measuring physicians’ religious competence in clinical health communication context: female Muslim immigrant patients’ expectations.” International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care.

Sen, D., & Ahmed, R. 2018. “Ethical ambiguities in the privacy policies of mobile health and fitness applications.” In Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, IGI Global.

Ahmed, R., & Tasci, Z. 2018. “Organ Donation and Religion: An Annotated Bibliography.” 

Teng, J., & Ahmed, R. 2017. “Examining preconception care-related knowledge and attitudes among Chinese immigrants in Canada”. In International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care.

Ahmed, R., & Bates, B. R. 2016. “Assessing the influence of patients’ perceptions of physicians’ cultural competence on patient satisfaction in an Appalachian Ohio context.” In the Howard Journal of Communications,

Ahmed, Rukhsana and Bates, B. R. 2016. “Assessing the influence of patients’ perceptions of physicians’ cultural competence on patient satisfaction in an Appalachian Ohio context.” In Howard Journal of Communications. First Online: 03 September 2016


Ahmed, Rukhsana. 2015. “Intercultural competence in healthcare.” In Sage Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence, edited by J. M. Bennett, 487-490. Thousand Oaks: Sage.


Ahmed, Rukhsana, and Isaac Nahon-Serfaty. 2014. New Media and Communication Across Religions and Cultures. Hershey: IGI Global.


Hoffman-Goetz, Laurie, Lorie Donelle, and Rukhsana Ahmed. 2014. Health Literacy in Canada: A Primer for Students. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.


Ahmed, Rukhsana, Momtaz Ahmed, and Zahirul H. Khan. 2014. “Urban Health communication strategy of pro-poor growth for sustained improvement in health in South Asia.” In Strategic urban health communication, edited by Charles Okigbo, 173-186. New York: Springer.


Ahmed, Rukhsana, and Benjamin R. Bates, eds. 2013. Health communication and mass media: An integrated approach to policy and practice. Farnham and Surrey: Gower Applied Research/Ashgate Publishing Group. 


Bates, Benjamin R., and Rukhsana Ahmed, eds. 2012. Medical communication in clinical contexts. Dubuque: Kendall Hunt.


Ahmed, Rukhsana. 2012. “Interpersonal health communication: An ecological perspective.” In Handbook of global health communication, development and social change, edited by Rafael Obregon, and Silvio Waisbord, 144-176. Hoboken: Wiley Publishers.


Reimer, Vanessa, and Rukhsana Ahmed. 2012. “Feeling good never looked better: Examining stereotypical representations of women in Special K advertisements.” In Challenging images of women in the media: Reinventing women’s lives, edited by Theresa Carilli, and Jane Campbell, 3-16. Lanham: Lexington Books.



Amiraux, Valérie


Amiraux, Valérie avec J.-F. Gaudreault-Desbiens. 2016. «Libertés fondamentales et visibilité des signes religieux en France et au Québec : logiques nationales versus non-nationales du droit ? », Cahiers de recherches sociographiques.

Amiraux, Valérie et David Koussens. 2016. « Droit et religion en contexte de pluralisme : alliance objective ou mariage de raison ? //Law and Religion in Plural Societies : Objective Alliance or Marriage of Convenience », Studies in Religion-Sciences religieuses, vol. 45, no 2, numéro spécial.

Amiraux, Valérie, et Samuel Blouin. 2015. « Blackface au Québec : mises en scène de soi et déni de racisme ». TicArttoc. Diversité/Arts/Réflexion(s): 46-47.


Amiraux, Valérie. 2015. « Charlie-Hebdo et les musulmans de France : jusqu’ici tout va bien ? ». Akfar/Idées 45: 24-26.


Amiraux, Valérie. 2015. « Néo-orientalisme et conquêtes néo-impériales ». Spirale 252: 39-41.


Amiraux, Valérie. 2014. « Visibilité, transparence et commérage: de quelques conditions de possibilité de l’islamophobie… et de la citoyenneté ». Sociologie 1(5): 81-95.

Amiraux, Valérie. 2015. « Après le 7 janvier 2015, quelle place pour le citoyen musulman en contexte libéral sécularisé ? ». Multitudes 2(59) : 83-93.


Amiraux, Valérie. 2015. « Les musulmans de France : jusqu’ici tout va bien ? ». Afkar/idées 45: 24-26.


Amiraux, Valérie, et David Koussens, dir. 2014. Trajectoires de la neutralité. Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal.


Amiraux, Valérie, et David Koussens. 2014. « La neutralité de l’État à l’épreuve du pluralisme ». Dans Trajectoires de la neutralité, dirigé par Valérie Amiraux, et David Koussens, 7-17. Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal.


Amiraux, Valérie. 2014. « Visibilité, transparence et commérage : de quelques conditions de possibilité de l’islamophobie… et de la citoyenneté ». Sociologie 1(5): 81-95.


Amiraux, Valérie, and Javiera Araya-Moreno. 2014. “Religious Pluralism and Radicalization. The missing perspective?” In Religion, Radicalization and Securitization: A Canadian Perspective, edited by Lorne Dawson, and Paul Bramadat, 92-100. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

For a more detailed list of Valérie Amiraux‘s publications, please click here.


Bakht, Natasha


Bakht, Natasha. 2016. “Moving Beyond Facial Equality: Examining Canadian and French Niqab-Bans.” In Doing Peace the Rights Way: Essays in International Law and Relations in Honour of Louise Arbour, edited by Fannie Lafontaine, and François Larocque. 

Bakht, Natasha. 2015. “The Incorporation of Islamic Family Law in North America.” In Handbook on Islamic Law, edited by Anver M. Emon, Kristen Stilt, and Rumee Ahmed. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Bakht, Natasha, and Jordan Palmer. 2015. “Modern Law, Modern Hammers: Canada’s Witchcraft Provision as an Image of Persecution.” Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues 35: 123-146.


Bakht, Natasha. 2014. “A v B and Attorney General of Quebec (Eric v Lola)—The Implications for Cohabiting Couples Outside Quebec.” Canadian Journal of Family Law 28(2): 261-277.


Bakht, Natasha. 2014. “In Your Face: Piercing the Veil of Ignorance about Niqab-Wearing Women.” Social & Legal Studies 1-23.

Abell,  Jennie, Sheehy, Elizabeth, and Natasha Bakht, eds. 2014. Criminal Law and Procedure: Proof, Defences and Beyond. Concord: Captus Press Inc.


Bakht, Natasha. 2012. “What’s in a Face? Demeanour Evidence in the Sexual Assault Context.” In Sexual Assault in Canada: Law, Legal Practice and Women’s Activism, edited by Elizabeth Sheehy, 591-611. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.


Bakht, Natasha. 2012. “Veiled Objections: Facing Public Opposition to the Niqab.” In Reasonable Accommodation: Managing Religious Diversity, edited by Lori G. Beaman, 70-108. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Bakht, Natasha. 2011. “Mere ‘Song and Dance’: Complicating the Multicultural Imperative in the Arts.” In Home and Native Land: Unsettling Multiculturalism in Canada, edited by May Chazan et al, 175-183. Toronto: Between the Lines Press.



Beaman, Lori G.


Beaman, Lori G. 2017. Deep Equality in an Era of Religious Diversity, Oxford University Press.

Beaman, Lori G., Peter Beyer and Christine L. Cusack. 2016. “Young People and Religious Diversity: A Canadian Perspective”, in Young People’s Attitudes to Religious Diversity. Edited by Elisabeth Arweck, 245-262. New York: Routledge.

Beaman, Lori G. 2016. “Living Together v. Living Well Together: A Normative Examination of the SAS Case.” In Social Inclusion, 4 (2): 3-13.


Beaman, Lori G. 2015. “Beyond Establishment.” In Politics of Religious Freedom. Edited by Winnifred F. Sullivan, Elizabeth S. Hurd, Saba Mahmood, and Peter G. Danchin, 207-219. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Beaman, Lori G. “From Negative to Positive Narratives: Values and Strategies in Negotiating Difference.” Religion and Conflict: Responding to the Challenges, Volume I. Global Perspectives Series. Tony Blair Faith Foundation.

Beaman, Lori G., and Steven Tomlins, eds. 2015. Atheist Identities – Spaces and Social Contexts. New York: Springer.


Beaman, Lori G., and Leo Van Arragon, eds. 2015. Issues in Religion and Education: Whose Religion? Leiden: Brill. 

Beaman, Lori G. 2014. “Everything Is Water: On Being Baptized in Secularism.” In Secularism on the Edge: Rethinking Church-State Relations in the United States, France, and Israel, edited by Jacques Berlinerblau, Sarah Fainberg, and Aurora Nou, 237-246. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Sikka, Sonia, and Lori G. Beaman, eds. 2014. Multiculturalism and Religious Identity: Canada and India. Montréal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Lefebvre, Solange, and Lori G. Beaman, eds. 2014. Religion in the Public Sphere: Canadian Case Studies. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 

Beaman, Lori G. 2014. “Woven Together: Advocacy and Research as Complementary.” Religion 1-13.


Beaman, Lori G. 2014. “Deep Equality as an Alternative to Accommodation and Tolerance.” Nordic Journal of Religion and Society 27(2): 89-111.

Beaman, Lori G. 2013-14. “Reframing Understandings of Religion: Lessons from India.” IIC Quartely, special issue “Living with Religious Diversity,” edited by Sonia Sikka, Bindu Puri, Lori G. Beaman, and Omita Goyal 40(3&4): 35-46.

For a more detailed list of Lori G. Beaman‘s publications, please click here.


Beckford, James A.


Beckford, James A. ed. 2016. Migration and Religion, Volume 1. Cheltenham Glos: Edward Elgar Publishing. 


Beckford, James A. 2015. “‘Community’ in the sociology of religion: the case of Britain.” Social Compass 62(2): 225-237.


Beckford, James A. 2015. “Religious organizations.” In International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, vol. 20, edited by James D. Wright, 406-412. Oxford: Elsevier.


Beckford, James A., and Ilona C.M. Cairns. 2015. “Muslim prison chaplains in Canada and Britain.” The Sociological Review 63(1): 36-56.


Beckford, James A., and Danièle Joly. 2014. “Les aumôniers de prison musulmans en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles.” In Le fait religieux en prison : configurations, apports, risques, edited by L’Administration pénitentiaire, 75-88. Paris: L’Administration pénitentiaire.


Beckford, James A. 2014. “Rethinking religious pluralism.” In Religious Pluralism. Framing Religious Diversity in the Contemporary World, edited by Giuseppe Giordan, and Enzo Pace, 15-29. Heidelberg: Springer.


Beckford, James A. 2013. “Religious diversity in prisons: chaplaincy and contention.” Studies in Religion / Sciences Religieuses 42(2): 190-205.


Beckford, James A. 2013. “Constructing religion. Serendipity and skepticism.” In Studying Religion and Society. Sociological Self-Portraits, edited by Titus Hjelm, and Phil Zuckerman, 55-66. Abingdon: Routledge.


Beckford, James A. 2012. “Reified knowledge about ‘religion’ in prisons.” In Religion and Knowledge. Sociological Perspectives, edited by Mathew Guest, and Elisabeth Arweck, 25-38. Farnham: Ashgate.

Beckford, James A. 2012. “Public responses to religious diversity in Britain and France.” In Reasonable Accommodation. Managing Religious Diversity, edited by Lori G. Beaman, 109-38. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Beckford, James A. 2012. “Public religions and the post-secular: critical reflections.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 51(1): 1-19.


For a more detailed list of James A. Beckford‘s publications, please click here.


Berger, Benjamin L.


Berger, Benjamin L., and Richard Moon. 2016. Religion and the Exercise of Public Authority. London: Hart Publishing.

Berger, Benjamin L. 2015. Law’s Religion: Religious Difference and the Claims of Constitutionalism. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 

Roach, Kent, Benjamin L. Berger, Emma Cunliffe, and James Stribopoulos. 2015. Criminal Law and Procedure: Cases and Materials, 11th ed. Toronto: Emond Montgomery.

Berger, Benjamin L. 2015. “Poetry, Mercy, and the Phenomenology of Justice.” In Poets, Prophets, and Texts in Play: Studies in Biblical Poetry and Prophecy in Honour of Francis Landy, edited by Ehud Ben Zvi, Claudia V. Camp, David M. Gunn, and Aaron W. Hughes. London: T & T Clark.


Berger, Benjamin L. 2015. “Belonging to Law: Religious Difference, Secularism, and the Conditions of Civic Inclusion.” Social & Legal Studies 24(1): 47-63.


Berger, Benjamin L. 2014. “The Virtues of Law in the Politics of Religious Freedom.” Journal of Law and Religion 29(3): 378-395.


Berger, Benjamin L. 2014. “Religious Diversity, Education, and the ‘Crisis’ in State Neutrality.” Canadian Journal of Law and Society 29(1): 103-122.


Berger, Benjamin L. 2014. “Religious Diversity, Education, and the ‘Crisis’ in State Neutrality.” Canadian Journal of Law and Society / Revue Canadienne Droit et Société 29(1): 1-20.


Berger, Benjamin L., and Gerry Ferguson. 2013. “Recent Developments in Canadian Criminal Law.” Criminal Law Journal 37: 315-329.


Berger, Benjamin L. 2013. “Patterning Rights Constitutionalism: Thirty Years With the Charter.” Osgoode Hall Law Journal 50: vii-x.


For a more detailed list of Benjamin L. Berger’s publications, please click here.


Beyer, Peter


Beaman, Lori G., Peter Beyer and Christine L. Cusack. 2016. “Young People and Religious Diversity: A Canadian Perspective”, in Young People’s Attitudes to Religious Diversity, edited by Elisabeth Arweck, 245-262. New York: Routledge.

Beyer, Peter. 2015. “From Atheist to Spiritual but not Religious: A Punctuated Continuum of Identities among the Second Generation of post-1970 Immigrants in Canada.” In Atheist Identities – Spaces and Social Contexts, edited by Lori G. Beaman, and Steven Tomlins, 137-151. Cham: Springer.


Beyer, Peter. 2014. “Securitization and Young Muslim Males: Is None Too Many?” In Religious Radicalization and Securitization in Canada and Beyond, edited by Paul Bramadat, and Lorne Dawson, 121-144. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Beyer, Peter. 2014. “Regional Differences and Continuities at the Intersection of Culture and Religion: A Case Study of Immigrant and Second-Generation Young Adults in Canada.” In Religion in the Public Sphere: Canadian Case Studies, edited by Solange Lefebvre, and Lori G. Beaman, 66-94. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Beyer, Peter. 2014. “Global Migration, Religious Diversity and Dialogue.” In Religions and Dialogue: International Approaches, edited by Wolfram Weisse, Katajun Amirpur, Anna Körs, and Dörthe Vieregge, 49-61. Münster & New York: Waxmann.

Beyer, Peter. 2013. “Religious Pluralism as a Self-Evident Problem in the Context of Globalization.” In Secular States and Religious Diversity, edited by Bruce Berman, Rajeev Bhargava, and André Laliberté, 29-44. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Beyer, Peter. 2013. “Questioning the Secular/Religious Divide in a Post-Westphalian World.” International Sociology 28(6): 663-679.


Beyer, Peter. 2013. “Deprivileging Religion in a Post-Westphalian State: Shadow Establishment, Organization, Spirituality, and Freedom in Canada.” In Varieties of Religious Establishment, edited by Winnifred Sullivan, and Lori G. Beaman, 75-91. Farnham: Ashgate.

Beyer, Peter, and Lori G. Beaman. 2013. “Betwixt and Between: A Canadian Perspective on the Challenges of Researching the Spiritual but not Religious.” In Social Identities Between the Sacred and the Secular, edited by Abby Day, Giselle Vincett, and Christopher R. Cotter, 127-142. Farnham: Ashgate.

Beyer, Peter, and Rubina Ramji, eds. 2013. Growing Up Canadian: Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists. Montréal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Beyer, Peter. 2013. Religion in the Context of Globalization: Essays on Concept, Form, and Political Implication. New York: Routledge.


For a more detailed list of Peter Beyer‘s publications, please click here.


Boisvert, Donald


Boisvert, Donald. 2015. “Begetting a Sexual Pedagogy: Childhood and Saints in Roman Catholic Discourse.” In Religion and Sexuality: Diversity and the Limits of Tolerance, edited by Pamela Dickey Young, Heather Shipley, and Tracy J. Trothen. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Boisvert, Donald. 2013. “What Kind of Man Are You? Same-Sex Relations, Masculinity and Anglican Queer Malaise.” Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses 42(2): 226-236.


Boisvert, Donald. 2013. “Child Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church: Gender, Power, and Organizational Culture (Book Review).” By Marie Keenan, 2014, Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses 42(3): 408-409.


Boisvert, Donald, and Jay Emerson Johnson, eds. 2012. Queer Religion, a two-volume collection. Santa Barbara: Praeger. 


Boisvert, Donald. 2010. “Piety, Purity and Pain: Gérard Raymond and the Ideal of French Canadian Catholic Manhood.” Historical Studies 76: 27-44.


Boisvert, Donald. 2008. “I Seek My Satisfaction in You’:The Sexual Discourses of Eugène Prévost, Religious Founder.” Studies in Religion 37(3/4): 427-445.


Boisvert, Donald, and Robert E. Goss. 2005. Gay Catholic Priests and Clerical Sexual Misconduct: Breaking the Silence. New York: Harrington Park Press.


Boisvert, Donald. 2004. Sanctity and Male Desire: A Gay Reading of Saints. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press.


Boisvert, Donald. 2000. Out on Holy Ground: Meditations on Gay Men’s Spirituality. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press.



Bowlby, Paul


Bowlby, Paul. 2014. “Canadian Social Imaginaries: Re-examining Religion and Secularization.” In Religion in the Public Sphere: Canadian Case Studies. Edited by Solange Lefebvre and Lori G. Beaman. Toronto: University of Toronto Press: 25-43.

Esposito, John L., Darrell J. Fasching, Todd Lewis, and Paul Bowlby. 2009. World Religions Today, Canadian Edition. Oxford:  Oxford University Press.

Bowlby, Paul. 2001. Religious Studies in Atlantic Canada: A State-of-the-Art Review. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.  


Bouma, Gary


Bouma, Gary. 2016. “The Charles Strong Lecture 2015: Two Disconnected Discourses of Disconnection: Anti-West and Anti-Islamic Discourses.” In Journal of Advanced Scientific Research, 29 (1): 3-12.


Bouma, Gary. 2016. “Religious Diversity and the Challenge of Social Inclusion.” In Social Inclusion 4 (2): 1-2.

Bouma, Gary. 2015. “Postscript: Reflections of a Sociologist-Priest.” In Sacred Selves, Sacred Settings: Reflecting Hans Mol. Douglas J. Davies, and Adam J. Powell, 165-173. Surrey: Ashgate.

Bouma, Gary. 2015. “The role of demographic and socio-cultural factors in Australia’s successful multicultural society: How Australia is not Europe.” Journal of Sociology 1-13.


Rose, Gerald, Philip Hughes, and Gary Bouma. 2014. Re-Imagining Church: Positive Ministry Responses to the Age of Experience. Melbourne: CRA.

Bouma, Gary. 2014. “Twenty years of change? Women’s ministry in the Anglican Church of Australia: Twenty years of change?” St Mark’s Review 228 (2): 59-65.

Bouma, Gary. 2014. “Religion and Sex: Marriage Equality and the attempt to regulate intimacy in a multifaith society.” Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 27(1).

Bouma, Gary, and Philip Hughes. 2014. “Using census data in the management of religious diversity: An Australian case study.” Religion 44(3): 1-19.


Bouma, Gary. 2013. “Diversity of religions and freedom of religion and belief.” In The Routledge International Handbook of Education, Religion and Values, edited by Jamed Arthur, and Terence Lovat, 55-61. London: Routledge.


Bouma, Gary. 2013. “Rescripting Religion at UNESCO and in Australia: Religions and Social Policy in Two Contexts.” In Rescripting Religion in the City, edited by Jane Garnett, and Alana Harris, 261-274. Farnham: Ashgate.

Bouma, Gary. 2013. “Australian Anglicans and religious plurality: Exclusivist theologies vs theological affirmations of diversity.” Journal for the Academic Study of Religion 26: 139-156.

Bouma, Gary. 2013. “Religious Concentrations.” Pointers 23(4): 1-6.



Bramadat, Paul


Bramadat, Paul. 2014. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Refugee Settlement and Religion in British Columbia.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 1-31.

Bramadat, Paul. 2014. “Windows into the Canadian Approach to Managing Religion: Refugee Policies and the Office of Religious Freedom.” Recode Working Paper Series. Online Working Paper No. 22.

Bramadat, Paul, and Lorne Dawson. 2014. Religious Radicalization and Securitization in Canada and Beyond. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Bramadat, Paul. 2014. “The Public, the Political and the Possible: Religion and Radicalization in Canada and Beyond.” In Religious Radicalization and Securitization in Canada and Beyond, edited by Paul Bramadat, and Lorne Dawson, 1-34. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Bramadat, Paul, and Lorne Dawson. 2014. “Conclusion.” In Religious Radicalization and Securitization in Canada and Beyond, edited by Paul Bramadat, and Lorne Dawson, 347-361. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Bramadat, Paul, Kelli I. Stajduhar, and Harold Coward, eds. 2013. Spirituality in Hospice Palliative Care. Albany: SUNY Press.


Bramadat, Paul, and Joseph Kaufert. 2013. “Religion, Spirituality, Medical Education, and Hospice Palliative Care.” In Spirituality in Hospice Palliative Care, edited by Paul Bramadat, Kelli I. Stajduhar, and Harold Coward, 60-85. Albany: SUNY Press.


Bramadat, Paul, Kelli I. Stajduhar, and Harold Coward. 2013. “Introduction.” In Spirituality in Hospice Palliative Care, edited by Paul Bramadat, Kelli I. Stajduhar, and Harold Coward, 1-11. Albany: SUNY Press.


Bramadat, Paul, and Kelli I. Stajduhar. 2013. “Conclusion.” In Spirituality in Hospice Palliative Care, edited by Paul Bramadat, Kelli I. Stajduhar, and Harold Coward, 164-171. Albany: SUNY Press.


Bramadat, Paul, and David Seljak. 2013. “Between Secularism and Post-Secularism: A Canadian Interregnum.” In The Secular State and Religious Diversity: Secularism, Tolerance, and Accommodation, edited by Bruce Berman, Rajeev Bhargava, and André Laliberté, 97-119. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

For a more detailed list of Paul Bramadat‘s publications, please click here.


Brodeur, Patrice


Amor, Samia, Mohamed Fadil, et Patrice Brodeur. 2015. L’islam. Regards en coin. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval. 


Bordeur, Patrice. 2011. « Les tensions religieuses et internationales au Moyen-Orient: Existe-t-il une menace islamiste? » Dans Les religions sur la scène mondiale, dirigié par Solange Lefbevre et Robert Crépeau. Montréal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal.


Brodeur, Patrice. 2010. « La Commission Bouchard-Taylor et l’accommodement raisonnable : une avenue pour une meilleure gestion du pluralisme religieux dans une société plurielle? ». Dans La gestion de la diversité religieuse, Liban-Québec, dirigé par l’Institut d’études islamo-chrétiennes. Beyrouth : Dar al-Machreq.


Brodeur, Patrice, and Ina Merdjanov. 2009. Religion as a Conversation Starter: Interreligious Dialogue for Peacebuilding in the Balkans, London: Continuum. 


Brodeur, Patrice, and Sondra Myers. 2006. The Pluralist Paradigm: Democracy and Religion in the 21st Century. Scranton: Scranton University Press. 


Brodeur, Patrice, and Eboo Patel. 2006. Building the Interfaith Youth Movement: Beyond Dialogue to Action. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.



Eisenberg, Avigail


Eisenberg, Avigail. 2016. “Religion as Identity,” in Law and Ethics of Human Rights.

Eisenberg, Avigail, Jeremy Webber, Glen Coulthard, and Andree Boisselle. 2015. Recognition versus Self-determination: Dilemmas of Emancipatory Politics. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Eisenberg, Avigail. 2015. “The Political Assessment of Religious Authenticity.” In Authenticity, Autonomy and Multiculturalism, edited by Geoff Levey, 145-162. London: Routlege.


Eisenberg, Avigail. 2014. “Choice or Identity? Dilemmas of Protecting Religious Freedom in Canada.” Recode Working Paper Series No. 24, Augsburg, Germany.  


Eisenberg, Avigail. 2014. “Voting rights for non-citizens: Treasure or Fool’s Gold?” Journal of International Migration and Integration 16(1): 133-151.


Eisenberg, Avigail. 2013. “Rights in the Age of Identity Politics.” Osgoode Hall Law Journal 50: 609-36.


Eisenberg, Avigail. 2013. “How should public institutions assess religious identity?: The case of polygamy.” In Polygamy’s Rights and Wrongs: Perspectives on Harm, Family, and Law, edited by Gillian Calder, and Lori G. Beaman, 16-68. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Eisenberg, Avigail. 2013. “Identity Politics and the Risks of Essentialism.” In Liberal Multiculturalism and Fair Terms of Integration, edited by Peter Balint, and Sophie de la Tour, 159-176. London: Palgrave Macmillan.


Eisenberg, Avigail. 2009. Reasons of Identity. New York: Oxford University Press.


Eisenberg, Avigail. 1995. Reconstructing Political Pluralism. Albany: State University of New York Press.



Emon, Anver M.


Emon, Anver. 2011. “The Quadrants of Shari’a: The Here and Hereafter as Constitutive of Islamic Law.” In Roads to Paradise. Eds. Todd Lawson and Sebastian Geunther. Leiden: Brill Publications.

Emon, Anver, and Rumee Ahmed. 2015. Oxford Handbook on Islamic Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Emon, Anver, ed. 2016. Islamic and Jewish Legal Reasoning: Encountering Our Legal Other. Oxford: Oneworld Publications.


Emon,. Anver. 2015. “Shari’a and the Rule of Law: Preserving the Realm.” In Magna Carta, Religion and the Rule of Law, edited by Robin Griffith-Jones, and Mark Hill, 196-214. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Emon, Anver. “Youth Agency and the Culture of Law – a high school curriculum on forced marriage, emancipation, and youth agency.”


Emon, Anver. 2015. “Islamic Law and Private International Law: The Case of International Child Abduction.” Institute Letters, Spring 2015.

Emon, Anver. 2015. “Is ISIS Islamic? Why it matters for the study of Islam.” The Immanent Frame (An SSRC Blog), March 27.

Emon, Anver M., Matthew Levering, and David Novak, eds. 2014. Natural Law: A Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Trialogue. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Emon, Anver M. 2013. “The Paradox of Equality and the Politics of Difference: Gender Equality, Islamic Law, and the Modern Muslim State.” In Gender and Equality in Muslim Family Law: Justice and Ethics in the Islamic Legal Tradition, edited by Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Lena Larsen, Christian Moe, and Kari Vogt, 237-258. London: IB Tauris.


Emon, Anver M. 2012. “Sharia and the Modern State.” In Islamic Law and International Law: Searching for Common Ground?, edited by Anver M. Emon, Mark Ellis, and Benjamin Glahn. New York: Oxford University Press.


Emon, Anver M. 2012. “Religious Minorities and Islamic Law: Accommodation and the Limits of Tolerance.” In Islamic Law and International Law: Searching for Common Ground?, edited by Anver M. Emon, Mark Ellis, and Benjamin Glahn. New York: Oxford University Press.


For a more detailed list of Anver Emon‘s publications, please click here.


Fournier, Pascale


Fournier, Pascale. 2017. “Family Law, State Recognition and Intersecting Spheres/Spaces: Jewish and Muslim Women Divorcing in the UK”, in Culture in the Domains of Law, edited by René Provost. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Fournier, Pascale. 2016. “Droit et cultures en sol français: récits de femmes juives et musulmanes à l’aube et au crépuscule du divorce,” Anthropologie et Sociétés, special issue Pluralismes juridiques et interculturalités, edited by Christoph Eberhard, Geneviève Motard and Emmanuelle Piccoli, 40(2): 89-106.

Fournier, Pascale, et Emmanuelle Jacques. 2015. « Voiles/Voiler ». Dans L’accommodement de la diversité religieuse. Regards croisés Canada, Europe, Belgique, dirigé par Emmanuelle Bribosia et Isabelle Rorive, 289-312. Berne: P.L.E Peter Lang.


Fournier, Pascale, et Pascal McDougall. 2014. “Le droit comparé et la violence faite aux femmes : voyages au coeur de la narration identitaire.” Droit et Société 2(87): 435-464.


Fournier, Pascale. 2014. “Secular Portraits and Religious Shadows: An Empirical Study of Religious Women in France.” In Secularism on the Edge: Rethinking Church-State Relations in the United States, France and Israel, edited by Jacques Berlinerblau, Sarah Fainberg and Aurora Nou, 219-236. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.


Fournier, Pascale, and Régine Tremblay. 2014. “Translating Religious Principles into German Law: Boundaries and Contradictions.” In Comparative Law: Engaging Translation, edited by Simone Glanert, 157-173. Abingdon: Routledge.


Fournier, Pascale. 2014. “Please Divorce Me! Subversive Agency, Resistance and Gendered Religious Scripts.” In Muslim Family Law in Western Courts, edited by Elisa Giunchi, 32-55. Abingdon: Routledge.


Fournier, Pascale, and Erica See. 2014. “The ‘Naked Face’ of Secular Exclusion: Bill-94 and the Privatization of Belief.” In Religion in the Public Sphere: Canadian Case Studies, edited by Solange Lefebvre, and Lori G. Beaman, 275-293. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Amiraux, Valérie, and Pascale Fournier, eds. 2013. “‘Illegal’ Covering: Comparative Perspectives on Legal and Social Discourses on Religious Diversity.” Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture 19(6): 689-806.


Fournier, Pascale. 2013. “Headscarf and Burqa Controversies at the Crossroad of Politics, Society and Law.” Introduction of a Special Issue, Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture 19(6): 689-704.


Fournier, Pascale, and Pascal McDougall. 2013. “False Jurisdictions? A Revisionist Take on Customary (Religious) Law in Germany.” Texas International Law Journal 48(3): 435-463.


Fournier, Pascale, and Reyes, Nathan. 2013. “A Language of Hybridity: Honour and Otherness in Canadian and Sharia.” In Applying Sharia in the West, edited by Maurits Berger, 189-203. Leiden: Leiden University Press.


For a more detailed list of Pascale Fournier‘s publications, please click here.


Gaudreault-DesBiens, Jean-François


Gaudreault-DesBiens, Jean-François. 2014. « De la pertinence relative de la dichotomie droit civil/common law dans la réflexion sur les rapports entre le droit comparé, le droit du développement et le droit vivant. Quelques observations à partir du cas de l’Afrique ». Revue de la recherche juridique – Droit Prospectif 4: 2095-2147.

Gaudreault-DesBiens, Jean-François. 2014. “Cooperative Federalism in Search of a Normative Justification: Considering the Principle of Federal Loyalty.” Constitutional Forum/Forum constitutionnel 23(4): 1-19.


Gaudreault-DesBiens, Jean-François. 2014. “The Legal Treatment of Religious Claims in Multicultural Societies: Limits and Challenges.” In Religious Claims in Multicultural Societies: The Legal Treatment, edited by Carmela Decaro Bonella, 17-39. Rome: LUISS University Press.


Gaudreault-DesBiens, Jean-François. 2014. “Critical Race Theory.” In Dictionnaire des inégalités, edited by Alain Bihr, and Roland Pfefferkorn, 94-95. Paris: Armand Colin. 


Beaulac, S. and Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens. 2014. “The Common Law and Civil Law Traditions in Canada: Some Red Flags for Transferring Lawyers / Les traditions de Common Law et de Droit Civil au Canada: de quelques precautions que devraient prendre les avocats en mobilité.” Ottawa: Fédération canadienne des professions juridiques. 

Gaudreault-DesBiens, Jean-François. 2013. « Le juge comme agent de migration de canevas de raisonnement entre le droit civil et la common law? Quelques observations à partir d’évolutions récentes du droit constitutionnel canadien ». Dans Le juge et le dialogue des cultures juridiques, dirigé par Ghislain Otis, 41-99. Paris: Karthala.


Gaudreaul-DesBiens, Jean-François. 2013. « Une culture de droit mixte face à la mondialisation : de l’impact de la multiplicité des langues et des traditions juridiques en droit québécois ». Dans L’intégration normative. Le droit dans un contexte multiculturel et multilingue, dirigé par Evandro Menezes de Carvalho et Rosalind Greenstein, 257-271. Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV.


Grotino, Frédéric, et Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens. 2013. « La comparaison de l’efficience des systèmes juridiques et la résilience des « canevas de raisonnement » : le cas du droit des sociétés par actions ». Dans Quelle performance ? De l’efficacité sociale à l’entreprise citoyenne, dirigé par dans P.-E. Moyse, 187-202. Montréal: Éditions Thémis.


Gaudreault-DesBiens, Jean-François, and N. Karazivan. 2012. “The ‘Public’ and the ‘Private’ in the Common Law and Civil Law Traditions and the Regulation of Religion.” In Religion in Public Spaces. A European Perspective, edited by Silvio Ferrari, and Sabrina Pastorelli, 93-117. Farnham: Ashgate.


Gaudreault-DesBiens, Jean-François. 2010. Le droit, la religion et le «raisonnable» — Le fait religieux entre monisme étatique et pluralisme juridique. Montréal: Éditions Thémis.

For a more detailed list of Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens‘s publications, please click here.


Guénif-Souilamas, Nacira


Guénif-Souilamas, Nacira. 2015. Dans Histoire d’une République fragile 1905-2015 Comment en sommes-nous arrivés là?, dirigé par Emmanuel Laurentin. Paris: Fayard.


Guénif-Souilamas, Nacira. 2010. « Répertoires d’individuation et gisements identificatoires : une boîte à outil extensible ». Dans L’individu aujourd’hui, dirigé par Christian Le Bart, François de Singly, et Philippe Corcuff. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.


Guénif-Souilamas, Nacira. 2010. « Le corps-frontière : traces et trajets postcoloniaux ». Dans Ruptures postcoloniales, dirigé par Nicolas Bancel, Florence Bernault, Pascal Blanchard, Ahmed Boubeker, Achille Mbembe, et Françoise Vergès, 217-232. Paris: La Découverte.


Guénif-Souilamas, Nacira. 2009. “Jews and Arabs in postcolonial France, a situated account on a long painful story of intimacy.” In Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in the Francophone World, edited by Nathalie Debrauwere-Miller, 192-206. New York: Routledge.


Guénif-Souilamas, Nacira. 2009. “Zidane, portrait of the artist as a political avatar.” In Frenchness and the African Diaspora : Identity and Uprising in Contemporary France, edited by Peter J. Bloom, Didier Gondola, and Charles Tshimanga-Kashama, 205-226. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.


Guénif-Souilamas, Nacira. 2009. “Inflated Ego and Games of Belonging.” Yale French Studies, special issue Turn to the right, edited by Michael A. Johnson, and Lawrence R. Schehr 116/117: 113-124.


Guénif-Souilamas, Nacira. 2009. “Immigration Without Integration and Vice-versa.” In Migration und Menschenrechte in Europa, edited by Heike Brabandt, Volker Epping, Jan Martin Hoffmann, Ines Katenhusen, and Christiane Lemke. Berlin: LIT Verlag.


Guénif-Souilamas, Nacira, dir. 2006. La république mise à nu par son immigration. Paris: La Fabrique éditions.

Guénif-Souilamas, Nacira, et Eric Macé, dir. 2004. Les féministes et le garçon arabe. Avignon: Editions de l’Aube.

Guénif-Souilamas, Nacira. 2000. Des beurettes aux descendantes d’immigrants nord-africains. Paris: Éditions Grasset & Fasquelle.


Helland, Christopher


Helland, Christopher and Johanna Sumiala. “Online Ritual: Its Form, Function, and Foundation,” in Journal of Religion, Media, and Digital Culture.

Helland, Christopher. Religion and the Internet: From Hype to Hyperlink. New York: Oxford University Press.

Helland, Christopher. 2016. “Digital Religion.” In Handbook of Religion and Social Institutions, edited by David Yamane. Springer.

Helland, Christopher. 2015. “How will the Pope tell the World about Climate Change?” World Economic Forum, April 29.


Helland, Christopher. 2015. “Virtual Religion: A Case Study of Virtual Tibet.” Oxford Handbooks Online. 


Helland, Christopher. 2014. “Virtual Tibet: Maintaining Identity through Internet Networks.” In The Pixel in the Lotus: Buddhism, the Internet, and Digital Media, edited by Gregory Grieve, and Danielle Veidlinger, 155-172. New York: Routledge.


Helland, Christopher. 2014. “Why the world is not as secular as you think.” World Economic Forum, July 3. 


Helland, Christopher. 2014. “Does Faith Matter? Leaders on the Role of Faith in Society.” World Economic Forum, July. 


Helland, Christopher. 2013. “Online Religion as Lived Religion: Methodological Issues in the Study of Religious Participation on the Internet.” First Published in Online-Heidelberg Journal of Religions (2005), reprinted in Sects, Cults and New Religions, edited by Carole Cusack, and Danielle Kirby, 286-298. Oxford: Routledge Major Works.


Helland, Christopher. 2011. “Online Religion in Canada: From Hype to Hyperlink.” In Religion and Canadian Society: Traditions, Transitions, and Innovations, edited by Lori G. Beaman, 375-390. Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press.


Helland, Christopher. 2008. “Canadian Religious Diversity Online: A Network of Possibilities.” In Religion and Diversity in Canada, edited by Lori G. Beaman and Peter Beyer, 127-148. Boston: Brill Academic Publishers.

For a more detailed list of Christopher Helland‘s publications, please click here.


James, William Closson


James, William Closson. 2011. God’s Plenty: Religious Diversity in Kingston. Montréal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


James, William Closson. 2010. “Reflecting on Elizabeth Strout’s Abide With Me.” Historical Papers: Canadian Society of Church History 78-81.

James, William Closson. 2008. “Borat and AntiSemitism.” Journal of Religion and Film 12(1). 

James, William Closson. 2006. “Religious Diversity in Kingston, Ontario: ‘Is There Any?’” Our Diverse Cities 56-60.

James, William Closson. 1998. Locations of the Sacred: Essays on Religion, Literature, and Canadian Culture. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.

Harold Remus, Daniel Fraikin, and William Closson James, eds. 1992. Religious Studies in Ontario: A State-of-the-Art Review. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.


James, William Closson. 1985. A Fur Trader’s Photographs: A. A. Chesterfield in the District of Ungava, 1901-04. Montréal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.



Johnson, Rebecca


Johnson, Rebecca. 2014. “Reimagining ‘The True North Strong and Free’:  Reflections on Going to the Movies with James Boyd White.” In Living in a Law Transformed: Encounters with the Works of James Boyd White, edited by Julen Etxabe, and Gary Watt, 173-187. Ann Arbor: Michigan Publishing.

Johnson, Rebecca. 2013. “Reflecting on Polygamy: What’s the Harm?” In Polygamy’s Rights and Wrongs: Perspectives on Harm, Family, and Law, edited by Gillian Calder, and Lori G. Beaman, 97-119. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Calder, Gillian, and Rebecca Johnson. 2012. “The Jane Doe Coffee Table Book about Rape: Reflections on Rebellious Writing and Teaching.” In Sexual Assault in Canada: Law, Legal Practice and Women’s Activism, edited by Elizabeth Sheehy, 341-363. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.


Johnson. Rebecca. 2012. “Justice and the Colonial Collision: Reflections on Stories of Intercultural Encounter in Law, Literature, Sculpture and Film.” No Foundations: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Law and Justice 9: 68-96.


Johnson, Rebecca. 2009. “Living Deadwood: Imagination, Affect, and the Presistence of the Past.” Suffolk University Law Review 42(4): 809-828.


Johnson, Rebecca. 2002. Taxing Choices: The Intersection of Class, Gender, Parenthood, and the Law. Vancouver: Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Johnson, Rebecca. 2000. “‘Leaving Normal’ Constructing the Family at the Movies and in the Law.” In New Perspectives on Deviance, edited by Lori G. Beaman, 163-179. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.


Klassen, Pamela


King, Matthew, and Pamela Klassen. 2015. “Suppressing the Mad Elephant: Missionaries, Lamas, and the Mediation of Sacred Historiographies in the Tibetan Borderlands.” History and Anthropology 26(5): 529-552.


Klassen, Pamela. 2015. “Fantasies of Sovereignty: Civic Secularism in Canada.” Critical Studies in Religion 3(1): 41-56.


Klassen, Pamela. 2014. “Off-the-cuff: The Charter of Quebec Values.” The Immanent Frame: Secularism, Religion, and the Public Sphere, July 18.


Klassen, Pamela. 2014. “Genre Intervention: Taming Lawmakers through Prayer, Poetry, and Song.” Reverberations: New Directions in the Study of Prayer, July 18.


Klassen, Pamela. 2014. “Making Religion Mental: A Response to Birgit Meyer’s ‘Mediation and the Genesis of Presence’.” Religion and Society 5: 231-237.

Klassen, Pamela. 2014. “Mentality, Fundamentality, and the Colonial Secular; or How Real is Real Estate?” In Transformations of Religion and the Public Sphere: Postsecular Publics, edited by Rosi Braidotti, Bolette Blaagaard, and Eva Midden, 175-194. London: Palgrave MacMillan.

Klassen, Pamela, and Ebrahim Moosa. 2014. “AAR Centennial Roundtable: Indebtedness: Race, Debt, and Slavery in Religious Imaginaries.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 82(3): 588-590. 


Klassen, Pamela. 2014. “The Politics of Protestant Healing: Theoretical Tools for the Study of Spiritual Bodies and the Body Politic.” Spiritus 14(1): 67-75.


Klassen, Pamela. 2013. “Christianity as a Polemical Concept.” In The Companion to the Anthropology of Religion, edited by Michael Lambek, and Janice Boddy, 344-362. London: Wiley-Blackwell.


Klassen, Pamela, and Kathryn Lofton. 2013. “Material Witnesses: Women and the Mediation of Christianity.” In Media, Religion, and Gender, edited by Mia Lövheim, 52-65. New York: Routledge.


For a more detailed list of Pamela Klassen‘s publications, please click here.


Knott, Kim


Knott, Kim. 2016. Hinduism: A Very Short Introduction, Second Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 


Knott, Kim. 2014. “Religious Differentiation and Diversity in Discourse and Practice.” In Routledge International Handbook of Diversity Studies, edited by Steven Vertovec, 91-97. London and New York: Routledge.


Knott, Kim, Matthew Francis, Ian Reader, and Rebecca Aechtner. 2014. “Threat Group Case Study: Aum Shinrikyo.” TIN 3.073 Final Report, 33pp (for BAE Systems/Defence, Science and Technology Laboratory).


Vasquez, Manuel A., and Kim Knott. 2014. “Three dimensions of religious place-making in diaspora.” Global Networks 14(3): 326-347.


Knott, Kim. 2013. “Hinduism and Migration: United Kingdom.” In Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism, edited by Knut A. Jacobsen, 334-341. Leiden and Boston: Brill.

Knott, Kim. 2013. “Interrogating the secular: a spatial approach.” In Secular and Sacred: The Scandanavian Case of Religion in Human Rights, Law and Public Space, edited by Rosemarie van Breemer, Trygve Wyller, and José Casanova, 34-54. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

Knott, Kim, Teemu Taira, and Elizabeth Poole. 2013. “Christianity, secularism and religious diversity in the British media.” In Religion, Media and Social Change, edited by David Herbert, and Marie Gillespie, 37-58. Berlin: de Gruyter.

Knott, Kim. 2013. “Religion, space and contemporary media.” In Religion Across Media: From Early Antiquity to Late Modernity, edited by Knut Lundby, 105-120. New York: Peter Lang.


Knott, Kim. 2013. “The secular sacred: in-between or both/and?” In Social Identities between the Sacred and the Secular, edited by Abby Day, Giselle Vincett, and Christopher Cotter, 145-160. Farnham: Ashgate.

For a more detailed list of Kim Knott‘s publications, please click here.


Kurien, Prema


Kurien, Prema. 2016. “Contemporary Ethno-Religious Groups and Political Activism in the United States.” In Religion and Politics in the U.S., edited by Barbara McGraw. WileyBlackwell.


Kurien, Prema. 2016. “Majority versus minority religious status and diasporic nationalism: Indian American advocacy organisations: Majority versus minority religious status and diasporic nationalism,” in Nations and Nationalism, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1-20. 

Kurien, Prema. 2016. “Hinduism in North America.” In Hinduism in the Modern World, edited by Brian Hatcher. New York: Routledge.


Kurien, Prema. 2014. “Immigration, Community Formation, Political Incorporation, and Why Religion Matters: Migration and Settlement Patterns of the Indian Diaspora.” Sociology of Religion 75(4): 524-536.


Kurien, Prema. 2014. “The Impact of International Migration on Home Churches: The Mar Thoma Syrian Christian Church in India.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 53(1): 109-129. 


Kurien, Prema. 2014. “The Impact of International Migration on Home Churches: The Mar Thoma Syrian Christian Church in India.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 53(1): 109-129.


Kurien, Prema. 2013. “Religion, Social Incorporation, and Civic Engagement: Second-Generation Indian American Christians.” Review of Religious Research 55(1): 81-104.


Kurien, Prema. 2013. “Religious Life in the Malayali Diaspora: Hindus and Christians in the United States.” In Malayali Diaspora: From Kerala to the Ends of the Earth, edited by Sam George, and T.V. Thomas, 149-160. New Delhi: Serials Publications.

Kurien, Prema. 2013. “The Development of an American Hinduism.” Arts Illustrated (Pan-Indian Arts and Design magazine in India). December 2013-January 2014, 56-58.

Kurien, Prema. 2013. “US and Them: Indian American Activism is Acquiring Critical Force.” Indian Express (Major English-language newspaper in India) May 24, 2013.


Kurien, Prema. 2012. “What is American about American Hinduism? Hindu Umbrella Organizations in the U.S. in Comparative Perspective.” In Public Hinduisms, edited by John Zavos, Pralay Kanungo, Deepa S. Reddy, Maya Warrier, and Raymond Williams. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.


For a more detailed list of Prema Kurien‘s publications, please click here.


Laliberté, André


Laliberté, André. 2016. “Managing Religious Diversity in China: Contradictions of Imperial and Foreign Legacies,” in Studies in Religion, Sciences Religieuses, Sage Publications, 1-25.

Laliberté, André. 2015. “The Politicization of Religion by the CCP: a Selective Retrieval.” Asiatische studien/Etudes asiatiques 69(1): 185-211.


Laliberté, André. 2015. “Religious Philanthropy in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong: The Impact of State Institutional Trajectories.” The Asian Journal of Social Sciences, 43(4): 435-465.


Laliberté, André. 2015. “Religions and Philanthropy in China since 1978.” In The Modern Chinese Religion: Value systems in transformation, edited by Vincent Goossaert, Jan Keily, and John Lagerwey. Leiden: Brill.


Laliberté, André. 2015. “Religion and Development in China.” In The Routledge Handbook of Religions and Global Development, edited by Emma Tomalin, 233-249. London: Routledge.


Laliberté, André. 2014. “Legal pluralism and the universality of freedom of conscience: a comparative historical sociology of the secular state in the Euro-American and Sinitic Worlds.” Taiwan Human Rights Journal 3(1): 25-52. 

Berman, Bruce, Bhargava, Rajeev, and André Laliberté. 2013. Secular States and Religious Diversity. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Laliberté, André. 2013. “Something Got Lost in Translation: From ‘Secularism’ to ‘Separation between Politics and Religion’ in Taiwan.” In Secular States and Religious Diversity, edited by Bruce Berman, Rajeev Bhargava, and André Laliberté, 207-230. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Berman, Bruce, Bhargava, Rajeev, and André Laliberté. 2013. “Introduction.” In Secular States and Religious Diversity, edited by Bruce Berman, Rajeev Bhargave, and André Laliberté, 1-25. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Laliberté, André. 2013. “The Five Worlds of Religious Establishment in Taiwan.” In Varieties of Religious Establishment, edited by Winnifred Sullivan, and Lori G. Beaman, 147-163. Farnham: Ashgate.

For a more detailed list of André Laliberté‘s publications, please click here.


Lefebvre, Solange


Martínez-Ariño, Julia  et Solange Lefebvre. 2016. “Resisting or Adapting? How Private Catholic High Schools in Quebec Respond to StateSecularism and Religious Diversification”, in Eurostudia, 11(1): 19-44.

Lefebvre, Solange, Céline Béraud, et E.-Martin Meunier, dir. 2015. Catholicisme et cultures : regards croisés Québec-France. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval.


Lefebvre, Solange. 2015. “Managing and Enhancing the Religious heritage of Quebec.” In Funding Religious Heritage, edited by Anne Fornerod, 197-211. Farnham/Burlington: Ashgate.

Lefebvre, Solange. 2015. “From Religion to Spirituality in Education: Towards a Political Regulation of Spirituality?” In Issues in Religion and Education: Whose Religion?, edited by Lori G. Beaman and Leo Van Arragon, 183-207. Leiden: Brill.

Lefebvre, Solange. 2014. « Laïcité et sécularité, entre la réalité et la fiction ». Dans Religions et laïcité. Pour un nécessaire dialogue, dirigé par Bruno Demers et Mathieu Lavigne, 45-61. Montréal: Fides.


Lefebvre, Solange, Denise Couture, et Gandhar K. Chrakavarty, dir. 2014. Living with Diversity: Revue international Concilium 1.


Lefebvre, Solange, and Lori G. Beaman, eds. 2014. Religion in the Public Sphere: Canadian Case Studies. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Lefebvre, Solange. 2014. “Beyond Religious Accommodations in the Workplace: A Philosophy of Diversity.” In Religion in the Public Sphere. Canadian Case Studies, edited by Solange Lefebvre, and Lori G. Beaman, 173-200. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Lefebvre, Solange. 2013-14. “A cultural and Dialogic Approach to Religious Education.” IIC Quartely (Living with Religious Diversity), edited by Sonia Sikka, Bindu Puri, Lori G. Beaman, and Omita Goyal 102-116.

Lefebvre, Solange. 2013. « Générations et laïcisation de la société Québécoise ». Dans La décomposition des chrétientés occidentales, 1950-2010, dirigé par Yvon Tranvouez, 37-53. Brest : Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique, Université de Bretagne Occidentale.

Lefebvre, Solange. 2013. « Faire de la diversité un atout. Un défi commun à plusieurs sociétés ». Dans Les Assises de l’interculturalité, dirigé par Marie-Claire Foblets et Jean-Louis Schreiber, 75-91. Bruxelles : Éditions Larcier/De Boeck.

Martínez-Ariño, Julia and Solange Lefebvre. 2016.”Resisting or Adapting? How Private Catholic High Schools in Quebec Respond to State Secularism and Religious Diversification”, Eurostudia 11 (1): 19-44.

For a more detailed list of Solange Lefebvre‘s publications, please click here.


Moon, Richard


Berger, Benjamin L., and Richard Moon. 2016. Religion and the Exercise of Public Authority. London: Hart Publishing.

Moon, Richard. 2017. “The Regulation of Blasphemy and Religious Insult in Canada.” In Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression after the Charlie Hebdo Massacre, edited by Andras Koltay, and Jeroen Temperman. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.

Moon, Richard. 2016. “The Limits of Religious Equality.” In The Social Equality of Religion or Belief, edited by Alvin Carling. London: Palgrave MacMillan.


Moon, Richard, and Heather MacIvor. 2016. “Canada.” In Encyclopedia of Law and Religion, edited by Gerhard Robbers, and Cole Durham. Brill Online.


Moon, Richard. 2015. “Neutrality and Payers: Mouvement laique v. Saguenay.” Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 4(3): 1-8.


Moon, Richard. 2015. “The Accreditation of Trinity Western University’s Law School.” Law Matters

Moon, Richard. 2014. “Religious Accommodation and its Limits: The Recent Controversy at York University.” Constitutional Forum 23(1): 9-16.


Moon, Richard. 2014. Freedom of Conscience and Religion. Toronto: Irwin Law.

Moon, Richard. 2012. “Freedom of Religion in the Canadian Courts: The Limits of State Neutrality.” UBC Law Review 45(2): 497-549.


Moon, Richard. 2010. “Accommodation without Compromise: Alberta v. Wilson Colony.” Supreme Court Law Review 51: 95 -130.

For a more detailed list of Richard Moon‘s publications, please click here.


Nason-Clark, Nancy


McMullin, Steve, Nancy Nason-Clark, Barbara Fisher-Townsend, and Cathy Holtmann. 2015. “When Violence Hits the Religious Home: Raising Awareness about Domestic Violence in Seminaries and amongst Religious Leaders.” Journal of Pastoral Care & Counselling 69(2): 113-124.


Holtmann, Cathy, and Nancy Nason-Clark. 2015. “Reconfiguring Stained Glass:  Visual Methods and Research on Religion and Domestic Violence.” In Seeing Religion: Visual Turn in Sociology, edited by Roman R. Williams, 174-191. New York:  Rutgers University Press.

Nason-Clark, Nancy. 2015. “Religion and Abuse.” In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences, section edited by Darren Sherkat. Kidlington: Elsevier Press.


Nason-Clark, Nancy.  2015. “Strong Spirits, Abused Bodies: Social, Political and Theological Reflections.” In Religion and Sexuality: Diversity and the Limits of Tolerance, edited by Pamela Dickey Young, Heather Shipley, and Tracy Trothen, 220-240. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.


Nason-Clark, Nancy, and Barbara Fisher-Townsend. 2014. Men Who Batter. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Nason-Clark, Nancy. 2014. “Domestic Violence and Communities of Faith:  Shattering the Holy Hush.” NCFR: Catalyzing Research, Theory and Practice, issue FF61: 19-21.  Washington, DC: National Council on Family Relations.

Nason-Clark, Nancy. 2014. “Talking about Domestic Violence and Communities of Faith in the Public Sphere: Celebrations and Challenges.” In Religion in the Public Sphere, edited by Solange Lefebvre, and Lori G. Beaman, 149-170. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Nason-Clark, Nancy, Barbara Fisher-Townsend, Steve McMullin, and Catherine Holtmann. 2013. “Family Violence in Canada.” In Family Violence from a Global Perspective: Strengths-Based Research and Case Studies Canada, edited by Sylvia Asay, John Defrain, Marcee Metzger, and Bob Moyer, 182-199. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.


Nason-Clark, Nancy, and Catherine Holtmann. 2013. “Thinking about Cooperation and Collaboration between Diverse Religious and Secular Community Responses to Domestic Violence.” In Varieties of Religious Establishment, edited by Winnifred F. Sullivan, and Lori G. Beaman, 187-200. Farnham: Ashgate.

Nason-Clark, Nancy, Barbara Fisher-Townsend, and Victoria Fahlberg, eds. 2013. Strengthening Families and Ending Abuse. Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers.

For a more detailed list of Nancy Nason-Clark‘s publications, please click here.


Palmer, Susan


Wright, Stuart A., and Susan J. Palmer. 2015. Storming Zion: Government Raids on Religious Communities. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 


Palmer. Susan. 2014. “Religion or Sedition? The Domestic Terrorism Trial of a Michigan-based Christian Militia.” In Legal Cases involving New Religious Movements and other Minority Faiths, edited by James T. Richardson, 89-118. London: Ashgate Publishing.


Palmer, Susan. 2014. “Rael’s Angels: The First Five Years of a Secret Order.” In Sexuality and New Religions, edited by Henrik Bogdan, and James R. Lewis. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.


Palmer, Susan. 2014. “La Mission de l’Esprit-Saint: One Hundred Years of Prophecies and Schisms in a Quebecois NRM.” In Revisionism and Diversification, edited by Eileen V. Barker, 79-91. London : Ashgate Publishing.

Palmer Susan, and Liselotte Frsk. “Update on the Children of the Twelve Tribes in Germany.”


Palmer, Susan. 2011. The New Heretics of France. New York: Oxford University press.


Palmer, Susan. 2010. The Nuwaubian Nation: Black Spirituality and State Control. Farnham: Ashgate.


Palmer, Susan. 2004. Aliens Adored: Rael’s UFO Religion. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 



Ramji, Rubina


Ramji, Rubina. 2014. “Maintaining and Nurturing an Islamic Identity in Canada – Online and Offline.” In Religion in the Public Sphere: Canadian Case Studies, edited by Solange Lefebvre, and Lori G. Beaman, 97-120. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Beyer, Peter and Rubina Ramji, eds. 2013. Growing Up Canadian: Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists. Montréal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Beaman, Lori G., Nason-Clark, Nancy, and Rubina Ramji. 2013. “The Difference that Gender Makes.” In Growing Up Canadian: Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, edited by Peter Beyer, and Rubina Ramji, 235-261. Toronto and Montréal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Ramji, Rubina. 2013. “A Variable but Convergent Islam: Muslim Women.” In Growing Up Canadian: Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, edited by Peter Beyer, and Rubina Ramji, 112-144. Toronto and Montréal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Ramji, Rubina. 2013. “Will the End of the World Take Place in your Living Room? “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles” – The Prophecy Continues.” In Small Screen Revelations: Apocalypse in Contemporary Television, edited by James Aston, and John Walliss, 149-163. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press.


Ramji, Rubina. 2013. “Muslims in the Movies.” In The Bloomsbury Companion to Religion and Film, edited by William Blizek, 177-187. London: Bloomsbury.


Ramji, Rubina. 2009. “Muslim Movies.” In The Continuum Companion to Religion and Film, edited by William Blizek, 177-187. London: Continuum.


Ramji, Rubina. 2008. “Being Muslim and Being Canadian: How Second Generation Muslim Women Create Religious Identities in Two Worlds.” In Women and Religion in the West: Challenging Secularization, edited by Kristin Aune, Sonya Sharma, and Giselle Vincett, 195-206. Farnham: Ashgate.


Reimer, Samuel


Yancey, George, Samuel Reimer, and Jake O’Connell. 2015. “How Academics View Conservative Protestants,” in Sociology of Religion 76(3): 215-226.  


Reimer, Samuel, and Michael Wilkinson. 2015. A Culture of Faith: Evangelical Congregations in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.  


Reimer, Samuel. 2012. “Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada’s Congregations: Vitality, Diversity, Identity and Equity,” in Canadian Journal of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity 3(1): 41-69.


Reimer, Samuel. 2012. “Congregational vitality among Evangelical Churches in Canada,” in Church and Faith Trends 5(1): 1-17.


Reimer, Samuel. 2011. “Orthodoxy Niches: Diversity in Congregational Orthodoxy among three Protestant denominations in the U.S,” in Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 50(4): 763-79.


Reimer, Samuel. 2011. “Mennonite Brethren in Canada: Findings from the 2009 Canadian Evangelical Churches Study,” in Renewing Identity and Mission: Mennonite Brethren Reflections after 150 Years, edited by Doug Heidebrecht, Abe Dueck, and Bruce Guenther. Winnipeg and Goessel: Kindred Productions.


Reimer, Samuel. 2011. “Civility without Compromise,” in Faith, Politics, and Sexual Diversity: In Canada and the United States, edited by David Rayside, and Clyde Wilcox, 71-86. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Reimer, Samuel. 2010. “Higher education and theological liberalism: Revisiting the old issue,” in Sociology of Religion 71(4): 393-408.


Reimer, Samuel. 2010. “A demographic look at Evangelical Congregations,” in Church and Faith Trends 3(2): 1-21.


Reimer, Samuel. 2010. “Pastoral Well-being: Findings from the Canadian Evangelical Churches Study,” in Church and Faith Trends 3(2): 1-17.


For a more detailed list of Samuel Reimer‘s publications, please click here.


Richardson, James T.


Richardson, James T. 2016. “Parental Alienation: Thirty years on and still junk science,” in The Judges’ Journal, 54(3).

Possamai, Adam, James T. Richardson, and Bryan S. Turner. 2015. Sociology of Shari’a: Case Studies from around the World. New York: Springer.


Richarson, James T., and François Bélanger, eds. 2014. Legal Cases, New Religious Movements, and Minority Faiths. Farnham: Ashgate.

Possamai, Adam, Richardson, James T., and Bryan S. Turner, eds. 2013. Legal Pluralism and Shari’a Law. New York: Routledge.


Richardson, James T. 2013. “Islam and the Problems of Liberal democracy.” In Applying Shari’a in the West: Facts, Fears, and the Future of Islamic Rules on Family Relations in the West, edited by Maurits S. Berger. Leiden: Leiden University Press.


Reichert, Jenny, and James T. Richardson. 2012. “Decline of a Moral Panic: A Social Psychological and Socio-Legal Examination of the Current Status of Satanism Scare.” Nova Religio 16(2): 47-63. 


Wright, Stuart, and James T. Richardson. 2011. Saints under Siege: The Texas Raid on the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints. New York: NYU Press. 



Ryder, Bruce


Ryder, Bruce. 2013. “The Strange Double Life of Canadian Equality Rights.”  Supreme Court Law Review 63: 261-294.

Ryder, Bruce. 2011. “Equal Autonomy in Canadian Federalism: The Contrinuing Search for Balance in the Interpretation of the Division of Powers.” Supreme Court Law Review 54: 565-600

Ryder, Bruce, and Taufiq Hashmani. 2010. “Managing Charter Equality Rights: The Supreme Court of Canada’s Disposition of Leabe to Appeal Applications in Section 15 Cases, 1989-2010.” Supreme Court Law Review 51: 505-552.


Ryder, Bruce. 2008. Law and Religious Pluralism in Canada. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. 

Ryder, Bruce. 2006. “The End of Umpire? Federalism and Judicial Restraint.” Supreme Court Law Review 34: 345-377.


Sullivan, Winnifred


Sullivan, Winnifred F., Elizabeth Shakman Hurd, Saba Mahmood, and Peter G. Danchin, eds. 2015. Politics of Religious Freedom. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


Sullivan, Winnifred F. 2015. “Religion Under Bureaucracy: The U.S. Case.” Numen  62(2-3): 321-335.


Sullivan, Winnifred F. 2015. “Imagining Law at the Newark Earthworks.” In The Newark Earthworks and World Heritage: One Site, Many Contexts, edited by Lindsay Jones, and Richard D. Shiels. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.

Sullivan, Winnifred F., and Christopher Swift. 2015. “The Chaplain: a physician of the soul in a secular age.” In A World of Work, edited by Ilana Gershon. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Sullivan, Winnifred F. 2014. “Why Distinguish Religion, Legally Speaking?” San Diego University Law Review 51(4): 1121.

Sullivan, Winnifred F., and Elizabeth Shakman Hurd. 2014. “‘Editors’. Introduction to Symposium ‘Re-thinking Religious Freedom’.” Journal of Law and Religion 29(3): 1–5.

Sullivan, Winnifred. 2014. A Ministry of Presence: Chaplaincy, Spiritual Care, and the Law. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Sullivan, Winnifred, and Lori G. Beaman. 2013. Varieties of Religious Establishement. Farnham: Ashgate.

Sullivan, Winnifred, and Cécile Laborde. 2013. “Dialogue about Religious Freedom,” QUADERNI DI DIRITTO E POLITICA ECCLESIASTICA, n. 1, aprile.

Sullivan, Winnifred. 2013. “Religious and Legal Particularism and Universality.” In Blackwell Companion to Anthropology of Religion, edited by Janice Boddy, and Michael Lambek, 85-100. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.


For a more detailed list of Winnifred Sullivan‘s publications, please click here.


Thériault, Barbara


Turcescu, Lucian, and Barbara Thériault, eds. 2015. “From Today’s Observation Post: Collaboration and Resistance under Communism.” Eurostudia 10(1). 


Thériault, Barbara. 2015. “A Book, a Securitate File, and a Research Project. On Gossiping and Ethnography.” Eurostudia 10(1): 1-10. 


Thériault, Brabara. 2014. “Imprisoned Religion. Transformations of Religion during and after Imprisonment in Eastern Germany” review of the book by Irene de Becci. Journal of Contemporary Religion 29(1): 137-139. 

Thériault, Barbara. 2014. « La sociologie mise en abîme. Essai avec la participation non autorisée de Milan Kundera ». Eurostudia 9(1): 41-50.


Thériault, Barbara. 2014. « Porter le chapelet. Formes religieuses dans une prison de femmes ». Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses 43(1): 172-180.


Thériault, Barbara. 2013. The Cop and the Sociologist. Investigating Diversity in German Police Forces. New York: Columbia University Press. 


Thériault, Barbara. 2010. « Le sociologue, l’homme pieux et le pluralisme religieux. Dialogue avec Max Weber ». Social Compass 57(2): 206-216.


Thériault, Barbara. 2004. ‘Conservative Revolutionaries’: Protestant and Catholic Churches in Germany after Radical Political Change in the 1990s. New York: Berghahn Books.


Wilkinson, Michael


Wilkinson, Michael and Althouse, Peter (Eds). 2017. Pentecostals and the Body. Brill. 

Wilkinson, Michael. 2016. “The Prosperity Gospel and the Globalization of American Capitalism.” In Religious Activism in the Global Economy, edited by Sabine Dreher and Jay Smith. New York: Rowman International Books : 57-72.

Reimer, Sam, M. Chapman, R. Janzen, J. Watson and Michael Wilkinson. 2016. “Christian Churches and Immigrant Support in Canada: An Organizational Ecology Perspective.” In Review of Religious Research. doi:10.1007/s13644-016-0252-7.

Reimer, Samuel, and Michael Wilkinson. 2015. A Culture of Faith: Evangelical Congregations in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 


Wilkinson, Michael. 2015. “Globalization.” In Vocabulary for the Study of Religion. Edited by Kocku von Stuckrad, and Robert A. Segal. Leiden: Brill.


Wilkinson, Michael, and Peter Althouse. 2015. “The Embodiment of Prayer in Charismatic Christianity.” In A Sociology of Prayer, edited by Linda Woodhead, and Giuseppe Giordon, 153-168. Farnham: Ashgate.

Wilkinson, Michael. 2015. “The Emergence, Development, and Pluralisation of Global Pentecostalism.” In The Handbook of Global Contemporary Christianity, edited by Stephen Hunt, 93-112. Leiden: Brill.


Wilkinson, Michael. 2015. “History of English-Speaking Sociology of Religion in Canada.” In National Survey of Histories of Sociology of Religion, edited by Anthony Blasi, and Giuseppe Giordon. Leiden: Brill.

Wilkinson, Michael, and Peter Althouse. 2015. “Soaking Prayer and the Advancement of the Kingdom of God: Charismatic Renewal as Mission.” In The Globalization of Christianity: Implications for Christian Ministry and Theology, edited by Gordon L. Heath, and Steven M. Studebaker, 85-104. Eugene: Pickwick.


Wilkinson, Michael. 2014. “Sociological Narratives and the Sociology of Pentecostalism.” In The Cambridge Companion for Pentecostal Studies, edited by Amos Yong, and Mel Robuck, 215-234. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Wilkinson, Michael, and Peter Althouse. 2014. “Soaking Prayer and the Mission of Catch the Fire.” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies 36: 183-203.


Wilkinson, Michael, and Peter Althouse. 2014. Catch the Fire: Soaking Prayer and Charismatic Renewal. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press.


Wilkinson, Michael, and Peter Althouse. 2013. “Pentecostal-Charismatic Prayer and Social Engagement.” In Annual Review of the Religion and Spirituality, edited by Linda Woodhead, and Giuseppe Giordon, 221-241. Leiden: Brill.

For a more detailed list of Michael Wilkinson‘s publications, please click here.


Woodhead, Linda


Brown, Andrew, and Linda Woodhead. 2016. That Was The Church That Was: How the Church of England Lost the English People. London. Bloomsbury Publishing. 


Giuseppe Giordan, and Linda Woodhead, eds. 2015. A Sociology of Prayer. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Woodhead, Linda, Malcolm Doney, and Dave Walker. 2014. How Healthy is the CofE? The ‘Church Times’ Health Check. Norwich: Canterbury Press.


Woodhead, Linda. 2013. “Liberal religion and illiberal secularism.” Religion in a liberal state, edited by Gavin D’Costa, Malcolm Evans, Tariq Modood, and Julian Rivers, 93-116. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Woodhead, Linda. 2013. “Neither religious or secular: the British situation and its implications for religious-state relations.” In Contesting secularism: comparative perspectives, edited by Anders Berg-Sorensen, 137-162. Farnham: Ashgate. 

Woodhead, Linda, and Giuseppe Giordan, eds. 2013. Prayer in Religion and Spirituality. Leiden and Boston: Brill.

Woodhead, Linda, and Norman Winter, eds. 2013. The Westminster Faith Debates Vol 1:Religion in Personal Life. London: Darton, Longman and Todd.


Dessing, Nathal, Nadia Jeldtoft, Jørgen Nielsen, and Linda Woodhead, eds. 2013. Everyday Lived Islam in Britain. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Woodhead, Linda, and Rebecca Catto, eds. 2012. Religion and Change in Modern Britain. New York: Routledge.


Riis, Ole, and Linda Woodhead. 2010. A Sociology of Religious Emotions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


For a more detailed list of Linda Woodhead‘s publications, please click here.


Young, Pamela Dickey


Shipley, Heather, and Pamela Dickey Young. 2015. “Christianity, Gender and Identity among Canadian Youth.” In Handbook of Global Contemporary Christianity: Themes and Developments in Culture, Politics and Society, edited by Stephen Hun, 325-245. Leiden: Brill Academic Press.

Young, Pamela Dickey, and Heather Shipley. 2015. “Belief, not Religion: Youth Negotiations of Religious Identity in Canada.” In Handbook on Child and Youth Studies, edited by J. Wyn and H. Cahill. Singapore: Springer.


Young, Pamela Dickey. 2015. “Who Speaks for Religion?” In Issues in Religion and Education: Whose Religion?, edited by Lori G. Beaman, and Leo Van Arragon, 305-320. Leiden: Brill Academic Press.

Young, Pamela Dickey, Heather Shipley, and Tracy Trothen, eds. 2015. Religion and Sexuality: Diversity and the Limits of Tolerance. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Young, Pamela Dickey. 2015. “‘Severely Normal’: Sexuality and Religion in Alberta’s Bill 44.” In Religion and Sexuality: Diversity and the Limits of Tolerance, edited by Pamela Dickey Young, Heather Shipley, and Tracy Trothen. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Young, Pamela Dickey. 2015. “Conclusion.” In Religion and Sexuality: Diversity and the Limits of Tolerance, edited by Pamela Dickey Young, Heather Shipley, and Tracy Trothen. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Young, Pamela Dickey, and Leona Anderson, eds. 2015. Women and Religious Traditions. 3rd edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Young, Pamela Dickey, and Leona Anderson. 2015. “Introduction.” In Women and Religious Traditions, 3rd edition, edited by Leona Anderson, and Pamela Dickey Young. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Young, Pamela Dickey. 2015. “Women in Christianity.” In Women and Religious Traditions, 3rd edition, edited by Leona Anderson, and Pamela Dickey Young. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Young, Pamela Dickey, and Leona Anderson. 2015. “Women in the Western Spirituality Movement.” In Women and Religious Traditions, 3rd edition, edited by Leona Anderson, and Pamela Dickey Young. Toronto: Oxford University Press.

For a more detailed list of Pamela Dickey Young‘s publications, please click here.