Postdoctoral Fellows

The Religion and Diversity Project is pleased to have (and have had) so many talented postdoctoral fellows involved in its programme. The postdoctoral fellows listed below are doing their Post-doc with a team member on a related project theme. Find out who the postdoctoral fellows are and who they are working with.

– A –


Al-Dabbagh, Harith

Postdoc, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Gaudreault-DesBiens, Jean-François

La réception en Occident des institutions du droit musulman de la famille: heurs et malheurs d’un compromis.


Al-Fartousi, May


Postdoc, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

From the Past to Present: An Ethnographic Study of Muslim Shi’i Youth in Canada.


– B –


Barras, Amélie

Fonds national suisse de la recherche

Postdoc, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Negotiating religion on an everyday basis: The case of devout Muslims in the Montréal region.


Behiery, Valérie

SSHRC Fellowship

Postdoc, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Amiraux, Valérie

The Aesthetics of Alterity. Objects of mistranslation: Representing the ‘burqa’ in Canadian daily newspapers since 9/11.


– D –


Dabby, Dia
Postdoc, University of Ottawa
Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G. 
`Where do we go now?’: Local zoning and global conversations about Muslim cemeteries. Québec as a case study



Dejean, Frédéric

Postdoc, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Amiraux, Valérie

Les relations entre les communautés évangéliques et les services de l’urbanisme dans les mairies d’arrondissements de Montréal.


– F –


Francis, Matthew


Postdoc, Lancaster University

Supervisor: Knott, Kim

The role of ideology, belief and commitment in motivations, justifications and catalysts for action in the face of uncertainty.


– G –


Grigore, Monica

Religion and Diversity Project Postdoctoral Fellowship

Postdoc, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G. 

The local regulation of religion.


– H –


Hoverd, William

DFAIT Fellowship

Postdoc, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Changes in Religious Diversity in Canada and New Zealand, 1980-2010.


– M –


Macdonald, Arlene

MITACS Fellowship

Postdoc, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Religion at Work: Impressions & experiences of young adults of immigrant background in Canada.


Martínez-Ariño, Julia

Religion and Diversity Project Postdoctoral Fellowship

Postdoc, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Religion and education in Montréal faith-based schools/Religion et éducation dans les écoles privées confessionnelles de Montréal.



– N –


Nabti, Mehdi


Postdoc, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Brodeur, Patrice

Présence de la culture arabo-maghrebine au QC: le cas des musicien(ne)s.


– P –


Pasche, Florence

Swiss National Science Foundation

Postdoc, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

Natural Parenting in the Digital Age.


– S –


Smith, Lisa
(April-June, 2014)

Canada Research Chair in the Contextualization of Religion in a Diverse Canada

Postdoc, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Discourses of Difference and Similarity: An Examination of the Quebec Charter of Values.


Stacey, Tim

Religion and Diversity Project Postdoctoral Fellowship

Postdoc, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

The role of religion and belief in renewing a sense of solidarity in culturally and economically fragmented spaces.



– T –


Teinturier, Sara

Religion and Diversity Project Postdoctoral Fellowship

Postdoc, Université of Montréal
Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange
Religion and education.


– V –


Vergani, Matteo
(2013-15) Postdoc, Monash University
Supervisor: Bouma, Gary

Cultural Drivers of Violent Extremism.