The Religion and Diversity Project is pleased to have (and have had) so many talented postdoctoral fellows involved in its programme. The postdoctoral fellows listed below are doing their Post-doc with a team member on a related project theme. Find out who the postdoctoral fellows are and who they are working with.

– A –


Al-Dabbagh, Harith

Postdoc, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Gaudreault-DesBiens, Jean-François

La réception en Occident des institutions du droit musulman de la famille: heurs et malheurs d’un compromis.


Al-Fartousi, May


Postdoc, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

From the Past to Present: An Ethnographic Study of Muslim Shi’i Youth in Canada.


– B –


Barras, Amélie

Fonds national suisse de la recherche

Postdoc, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Negotiating religion on an everyday basis: The case of devout Muslims in the Montréal region.


Behiery, Valérie

SSHRC Fellowship

Postdoc, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Amiraux, Valérie

The Aesthetics of Alterity. Objects of mistranslation: Representing the ‘burqa’ in Canadian daily newspapers since 9/11.


– D –


Dabby, Dia
Postdoc, University of Ottawa
Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G. 
`Where do we go now?’: Local zoning and global conversations about Muslim cemeteries. Québec as a case study



Dejean, Frédéric

Postdoc, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Amiraux, Valérie

Les relations entre les communautés évangéliques et les services de l’urbanisme dans les mairies d’arrondissements de Montréal.


– F –


Francis, Matthew


Postdoc, Lancaster University

Supervisor: Knott, Kim

The role of ideology, belief and commitment in motivations, justifications and catalysts for action in the face of uncertainty.


– G –


Grigore, Monica

Religion and Diversity Project Postdoctoral Fellowship

Postdoc, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G. 

The local regulation of religion.


– H –


Hoverd, William

DFAIT Fellowship

Postdoc, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Changes in Religious Diversity in Canada and New Zealand, 1980-2010.


– M –


Macdonald, Arlene

MITACS Fellowship

Postdoc, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Religion at Work: Impressions & experiences of young adults of immigrant background in Canada.


Martínez-Ariño, Julia

Religion and Diversity Project Postdoctoral Fellowship

Postdoc, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Religion and education in Montréal faith-based schools/Religion et éducation dans les écoles privées confessionnelles de Montréal.



– N –


Nabti, Mehdi


Postdoc, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Brodeur, Patrice

Présence de la culture arabo-maghrebine au QC: le cas des musicien(ne)s.


– P –


Pasche, Florence

Swiss National Science Foundation

Postdoc, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

Natural Parenting in the Digital Age.


– S –


Smith, Lisa
(April-June, 2014)

Canada Research Chair in the Contextualization of Religion in a Diverse Canada

Postdoc, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Discourses of Difference and Similarity: An Examination of the Quebec Charter of Values.


Stacey, Tim

Religion and Diversity Project Postdoctoral Fellowship

Postdoc, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

The role of religion and belief in renewing a sense of solidarity in culturally and economically fragmented spaces.



– T –


Teinturier, Sara

Religion and Diversity Project Postdoctoral Fellowship

Postdoc, Université of Montréal
Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange
Religion and education.


– V –


Vergani, Matteo
(2013-15) Postdoc, Monash University
Supervisor: Bouma, Gary

Cultural Drivers of Violent Extremism.