Religion and Diversity Project Final Team Meeting

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The final meeting for the Religion and Diversity Project was held October 26-28, 2017 at the University of Ottawa. The meeting brought together team members, international guests, policy partners, students, and postdoctoral fellows, and served as a space to integrate reflections on our research over the past seven years which aimed to build a foundation for the development of new and innovative inquiries in the dynamic and changing field of religion and diversity.


The meeting hosted numerous international guests, who stimulated wide ranging dialogue across the Project’s themes that we hope will continue after the Religion and Diversity Project itself has ended. Our final meeting hosted roundtable sessions on topics of critical relevance such as: migration, education, state and local regulation, nonreligion and religion, indigeneity, and complex futures. Panelists included team members, policy stakeholders, partners, and others who have been friends of the Project.

For more information on the panels, including links to the videos, please click here.

Next Generation Scholars

We were also fortunate to celebrate the accomplishments of the young scholars at a reception entitled, Next Generation Scholars, which featured information stations where each scholar presented her/his research.

For more information about each scholar and their current research, click here.

Social Media Highlights

Our invited guests were all active in posting conference highlights using the hashtag #RDP2017. To see some of the posts, click here.