The Religion and Diversity Project is pleased to have (and have had) so many talented students involved in its programme. The  students listed below are either doing their PhD or Master’s thesis with a team member on a related project theme or are employed by a project team member and are working on a related theme/venture. Find out who the students are and who they are working with.

Graduate Student Workshops

The Religion and Diversity Project is committed to training graduate students. Click here to learn more about its graduate student workshop series: themes of the workshops, facilitators, participants, reports and so on.

– A –


Årsheim, Helge

GRG (2012-13)

PhD, University of Oslo

Supervisor: Sullivan, Winnifred

Religious Discourse in the UN.


Abou-Hamad, Marianne

University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Project Assistant: editorial, event and research support


Alekseevskaia, Mariia

Graduate Student Workshop

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G. (Dissertation Committee Member)

Participation of Canadian Reformed schools’ graduates in socio-political life of Canada: Ontario focus.



Alfani Bantea, Roger

Stipend 2011-12

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Brodeur, Patrice

Religious Peacebuilding in the Great Lakes Region in Africa. The Role of the Church in the Conflicts in Bunia, Bukavu, and Goma (1992-2010).


Alibhai, Zaheeda

Graduate Student Workshop

PhD, University of Ottawa
Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.
Religion and Science: A Necessary Divide?


Allaouache, Adam-Yannis

MA, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Laliberté, André

Islam and domestic workers in Taiwan.



Attia, Assia

MA, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Brodeur, Patrice

Identité et transmission dans une mosquée montréalaise.


Aubin, Michel

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange
Religion et Internet. Explorer les meilleures pratiques déployées par les gestionnaires de sites Internet religieux.


Audy, Emilie

Graduate Student Workshop (2011-12)

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Amiraux, Valérie

Identités religieuses et périnatalité: une comparaison de la prise en compte de la variable religieuse dans les systèmes de santé français et québécois.



– B –


Bahova, Snezhana

MA, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Explorer le rite kolédouvané bulgare. Dimension sociale, individuelle et cosmologique.


Bartel, Rebecca

Stipend 2014-15

PhD, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

Christianity, credit, and capitalism in Bogota.


Bartzel, Joseph
PhD, Indiana University Bloomington

Supervisor: Sullivan, Winnifred

Political Theology of Post-Ferguson black theology.


Batut, Katia

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Contemporary Christian Zionism in the United-States, from religion to geopolitics.



Beaulieu, Virginie
MA, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Thériault, Barabara

Une sociologie du développement personnel : réflexions sur la religion invisible.



Blouin, Samuel

MA, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Amiraux, Valérie

Les conversions au catholicisme au Québec.



Bourgeois, Isabelle

LL.M., University of Montréal

Supervisor: Gaudreault-DesBiens, Jean-François

Droit étatique et droit religieux en Inde.



Bourque, Frédérique

LL.M., University of Montréal

Supervisor: Gaudreault-DesBiens, Jean-François

Liberté de religion en droit international.


Boyer, Geneviève


MA, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Thériault, Barbara 

To be determined.


Brasnett, Jonathan 

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Laliberté, André

To be determined.


Brunton, Judith

Stipend 2014-15

PhD, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

Oil and Wellbeing: the affective infrastructure of “the good life” in Alberta.


Burford-Grinnell, Jillian

Stipend 2010-11

MA, Queen’s University

Supervisor: Young, Pamela Dickey

Women’s studies.


Bussey, Barry 


PhD, Osgoode Hall Law School

Supervisor: Berger, Benjamin
Theoretical Justifications for the Constitutional Protection of Religion.


– C –


Carmichael, Adam

Stipend 2010-11

PhD, University of Victoria

Supervisor: Eisenberg, Avigail

The biopolitics of normative monogamy: a critical discourse analysis of the polygamy debate and Bountiful, British Columbia.


Caucci, Roberto Jr.


MA, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Freedom of conscience and religion as it is interpreted, and applied, in relation to children and the nonreligious in Canadian society.



Charkravarty, Gandhar K.

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Rastafari of Jamaica and South Africa. Comparison on the basis of their adherence to the Laws of the Nazirities.



Chattoo, Saliha

PhD, University of Toronto
Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

Evangelical youth; performance-based conversion events in the United States.


Choi, Glen

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beyer, Peter

Lotus Pond, Bicultural Ripples: The Psychological Orientation of Korean-Canadian Practitioners of Buddhism.


Chouinard, Carmen

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Brodeur, Patrice

La triple occultation contemporaine des femmes croyantes au Québec : Analyse des perspectives de solutions proposées par Norma B. Joseph (juive), Denise Couture (chrétienne) et Lynda Clarke (musulmane).


Chowdhury, Farah 

Stipend 2011-12

PhD, Osgoode Hall Law School

Supervisor: Berger, Benjamin
To be determined.


Connell, Katherine

MA, Dalhousie University

Supervisor: Helland, Christopher

Social anthropology.


Conrad, Geoff

Stipend 2010-11

LL.M. University of Victoria

Supervisor: Berger, Benjamin

The Nature of Public Discourse in Religiously Diverse Societies and the Norms of Judicial Reasoning.


Cotter, Christopher R.

PhD, Lancaster University

Supervisor: Knott, Kim

Relocating ‘Religion’: Toward an Alternative Understanding of Religion in the Contemporary British City.



Coulombe, Sophie

Stipend 2014-16

MA, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Thériault, Barbara

La religion en miniature, la clé miroir du chapelet en prison.


Craig, Scott

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beyer, Peter

Global fluctuations of Zen Buddhism with particular focus on North America.



Cummins, Alyshea

Graduate Student Workshop (2013-14)

GRG (2014-15)

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beyer, Peter

Redefining Islam in the West: An Ismaili Muslim Movement.



Cusack, Christine

Graduate Student Workshop

Stipend 2014-15

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Rethinking Religious Education in Canadian Public Schools.



Cusson, Suzie

B.A Law, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Fournier, Pascale

La religion, l’objection de conscience et l’aide médicale à mourir.


Cuthbertson, Ian Alexander

Stipend 2015-16

PhD, Queen’s University

Supervisor: Young, Pamela Dickey

Cultural studies; RA for RGSY project.



– D –


Dabby, Dia

LL.D., University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Fournier, Pascale

Freedom of Religion and the Variable Geometry of the Best Interest of the Child.


Dada, Isaiah

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Brodeur, Patrice

Réduction de la violence au Nigeria : Curriculum interreligieux d’éducation à la paix dans les formations religieuses avancées.



Dallva, Priscila 

(MITACS Globalink Research Intern,  May-August 2015)

BA, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G. 

To be determined.


Davies-Kildea, Jason

PhD, Monash University

Supervisor: Bouma, Gary

The Salvation Army and The Social Gospel – Reconciling Evangelical Intent and Social Concern.


Dees, Sarah

PhD, Indiana University Bloomington

Supervisor: Sullivan, Winnifred

She is interested in ideas about the scientific study of religion which informed legislation on Indians at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries in the U.S.


Delic, Zijad

Graduate Student Workshop

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beyer, Peter

Localizing Islam in Canada: A Sociological Examination of Shari’a in the Reconstruction of Islamic Authority and Authenticity.



Deng, Cristal Jing

MA, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Laliberté, André

Comparison Analysis-Religious Non-Governmental Organizations in the wake of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake.



Denis-Boileau, Marie-Andrée

LL.M., University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Fournier, Pascale

Le port du niqab, de la burqa et du voile intégral dans la société laïque canadienne.


Dion-Lirette, Vanessa


BA, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Conflict studies, human rights and international development.


Djaout, Aziz

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange 

Radicalisation et contre-radicalisation au Québec. Les perspectives musulmanes.


Downie, Caitlin

MA, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Mind the Gap: Muslim Identities, Islamophilia, and the Good/Bad Muslim Dichotomy in St. John’s.


Doyle, Ashley

MA, Dalhousie University

Supervisor: Helland, Christopher

Exploring religious engagement among young adults between the ages of 18-29 in Halifax and Prince Edward Island.


Dufresne, Fred

LL.M., University of Montréal

Supervisor: Gaudreault-DesBiens, Jean-François

La question du port des signes religieux dans la sphère publique : une réflexion à partir du droit international et d’une comparaison du Canada, des États-Unis, de la France et de la Suisse.


– E –


Ellsworth, Jason W. M.

PhD, Dalhousie University

Supervisor: Helland, Christopher

Buddhism in Canada, Social Anthropology, and Religion.



– F –


Fadil, Mohamed

Graduate Student Workshop

Stipend 2014-15

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Un groupe religieux à l’épreuve du parti politique : Sécularisation de l’islamisme au Maroc (Mouvement de l’Unicité et de la Réforme / Parti de la Justice et du Développement (1969-2012)).



Farahmand, Manéli

PhD, University of Ottawa / Université de Lausanne

Supervisor: Beyer, Peter

Reconstruction of Religious Traditions in Transnational Context.



Farrar, Haley

MA/Research Assistant, Dalhousie University

Supervisor: Helland, Christopher

Measuring the Gap: An Analysis of Subjective and Objective Measures of Health Status by Educational Attainment Level in Canada.


Fisher, Amy

PhD, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

“Love is the Solution to Homelessness”: Christianity and friendship in an urban shelter.


Forbes, Lauren

MA, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Understanding Religion in Law: How Aboriginal Beliefs are Framed in Canadian Court Cases.


Franz, Marisa

Stipend 2013-14

PhD, University of Toronto
Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela
Boxes from the North:  Siberian Shamanism and the Russian Ethnographic Museum, 1880-1930.


– G –


Gaddi, Valentina

MA, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Amiraux, Valérie

La communauté Hassidique dans le quartier Outremont de Montréal: entre enjeux ordinaire de voisinage et gestion publique du pluralisme.


Gagnon-Tessier, Louis-Charles

Graduate Student Workshop (2011-12)

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Catholicisme québécois et postmodernité. Analyse derridienne des commissions sur la religion et l’école.



Gallagher, Ryan

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, university of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Stewardship, environmentalism, (non)religion and activism


Gallini, Tom 


MA, Queen’s University

Supervisor: Young, Pamela Dickey

Identity, Queer Theory, LGTB, Christianity.


Gareau, Paul

GRG (2013-14)

Graduate Student Workshop

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Journeying to the Father: Researching Faith and Identity in a Contemporary Catholic Youth Movement in Canada.



Golberg, Shari

PhD, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

When Beruriah Met Aisha: Textual Intersections among Jewish and Muslim Women.


Gravel, Stéphanie

Graduate Student Workshop

Stipend 2010-11

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

L’impartialité et le programme Éthique et culture religieuse (Québec, 2008).



Grigore, Monica

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Thériault, Barbara

Influencer le sort. Croyances et rituels dans l’orthodoxie roumaine.


– H –


Hameed, Qamer

MA, University of Ottawa

Supervisors: Beaman, Lori G. and Peter Beyer

Second Generation Canadian Muslims: A Case Study of Grassroots Canadian Muslim Identity in the Prairie City of Winnipeg.


Hemmat, Samaneh

Stipend 2015-17

Graduate Student Workshop

PhD, Osgoode Hall Law School
Supervisor: Berger, Benjamin

Understanding International Religious Freedom Promotion: Perspectives from Canadian Development on Sacred Indigenous Land.



Hmimssa, Azeddine

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Brodeur, Patrice

La citoyenneté vue par les Musulmans du Québec.


Holt, Cimminnee

GRG (2014-15)

PhD, Concordia University

Supervisor: Boisvert, Donald

An ethnographic study of the Church of Satan.



Holtmann, Cathy

GRG (2012-13)

Graduate Student Workshop (2011-12)

PhD, University of New Brunswick

Supervisor: Nason-Clark, Nancy

Social Action and Religion, Catholicism, Immigrant Women, Family Crisis.


Hunter, Morgan

MA, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Pull up a chair and join in: The Collective Creation of Space on the United Church of Canada’s WonderCafe Website.


– I –


Julia Itel

MA, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Les créatifs culturels : regard sur un nouveau profil de chercheur spirituel à l’ère de l’ultramodernité



– J –


Joncas-Tremblay, Marie-Pier

LL.M., University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Fournier, Pascale

Les droits des conjoints de fait versus ceux mariés et unis civilement.


– K –


Khlifate, Imane

Stipend 2015-16

MA, Université de Montréal
Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange
To be determined.


Kigar, Samuel

PhD, Duke University

Supervisor: Sullivan, Winnifred

Theories of territory and real property in modern Islamic thought.


King, Rebekka

Stipend 2011-12

PhD, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

The New Heretics: Popular Theology and Challenged within Contemporary Christianity.


Korban, Aline

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Laliberté, André

Communalism in post-colonial democracies: a comparative perspective.


Kuiper, Heather  


Stipend 2012-13

LL.M., Osgoode Hall Law School

Supervisor: Berger, Benjamin

Historical Disadvantage in Equality Theory.


Kwateng-Yeboah, James


PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisors: Beaman, Lori and Peter Beyer

Issues of contemporary African immigrants’ religiosity with a special focus on African initiated Pentecostal Churches in Canada.



– L –


Lacroix-Cuerrier, Vincent (2012-15)

MA, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Laliberté, André

Religious philanthropy in Yunnan, China


Lafleur, Tania

LL.M., University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Fournier, Pascale

Le multiculturalisme et l’interculturalisme en droit canadien.


Lam, Kim

Monash University

Supervisor: Bouma, Gary

Australian minority religions and the politics of inclusion.


Laverdière, Andréanne

GRG (2013-14)

MA, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Laliberté, André

The representation of religions and believers in Chinese school text books and teaching.


Lavoie, Bertrand

LL.D., University of Montréal

Supervisor: Gaudreault-Desbiens, Jean-François

Le religieux vu par le droit. Le port de signes religieux au Canada et en France/The religious seen by the Law. The wearing of religious symbols in Canada and France.



LeBrun, Erin

MA, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Religion et santé. Gestion politique de la diversité.

Legault, Alexandre

MA, Université de Montréal
Supervisor: Thériault, Barbara
To be determined.


Lemieux, Catherine

PhD, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

Coptic Christianity in Transnational Perspective.


Leyva, Karel J.

Stipend 2013-15

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Fondements philosophiques du discours sur la diversité culturelle et religieuse dans les rapports de quatre démocraties libérales : la Grande- Bretagne, la France, le Québec, et la Belgique.



Loewen, Rachel

Stipend 2011-12

PhD, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

Hypnosis Workshops and the Cultivation of Memory: Spiritual Experience and Practice in Toronto.


Ludin, Sara

GRG (2014-15)

Graduate Student Workshop

PhD, University of California, Berkeley

Supervisor: Sullivan, Winnifred

Legal history of the Protestant Reformation in the early modern German lands, narrated at the level of dispute resolution in courts.



Lyons, Adam

GRG (2013-14)

PhD, Harvard University

Supervisor: Sullivan, Winnifred

Capital punishment and prison chaplaincy in Japan today.


– M –


MacDonald, Lucy

BA, Political Science, University of Cape Breton

Supervisor: Ramji, Rubina

RA Project : Database – Niqab in Europe.


MacDougall, Alyssa

BA, Religious Studies, University of Cape Breton

Supervisor: Ramji, Rubina

RA Project : Database – Niqab in Europe (french articles).


Machtinger, Yael

Stipend 2013-14

PhD, Osgoode Hall Law School

Supervisor: Berger, Benjamin

Socio-Legal Study of the Get in Canada.



Malcolmson, Ted


PhD, University of Ottawa
Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.
Marginal religious communities.


Martin, Philippe

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Laliberté, André

To be determined.


Martini, Peter

PhD, University of Nevada, Reno
Supervisor: Richardson, James

Social psychology; Muslim self-identity changes in three western countries (US, Canada, Australia).


McCallum, Emily

BA, University of Ottawa
Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Religion and Diversity Project – Project Assistant.

McLelland, Kaleigh

MA, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

Memory and national identity formation at Canadian Catholic pilgrimage sites.


Maslouh, Mohamed

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Muslim Communities Attitudes toward Organ Donation in Canada.


Michels, David

Graduate Student Workshop (2011-12)

PhD, Dalhousie University

Supervisor: Helland, Christopher

Informed Dissent? A study of the information seeking and use of Canadian Christian churches that offer ecclesiastical sanctuary.


Mo, Helen

Stipend 2013-14

PhD, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

Evangelicals in the Ethnoburbs: An Ethno-history of Chinese Christian Imaginaries in Canada.

Morency, Marc-André

Stipend 2013-14

MA, Univeristy of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

To be determined.


Moreno, Javiera Araya

MA, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Amiraux, Valérie

L’État immoral : la construction de la différence dans le processus de sélection d’immigrants au Québec et au Canada.


Morgan, Guillaume

Stipend 2014-15

BA, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange
To be determined.


Mulhern, Aldea

GRG (2013-14)

Stipend 2012-13

PhD, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

Meat and Multiculturalism.


– N –


Nachaj, Alexander

PhD, Concordia University

Supervisor: Boisvert, Donald

Religion, gender and sanctity with a focus on identity making and sainthood in North American Catholicism.


Nahme, Paul

PhD, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

The Theological Conditions of the Political: Legitimacy and Justification as categories of Legal and Religious Reason.


– P –


Palmer, Jordan


Graduate Student Workshop

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Bakht, Natasha

The Bedrooms of the Nation: A critical examination of the laws of private sexual ordering and their sources in the legal regimes of the 21st century.



Patel, Sana

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisors: Beaman, Lori and Beyer, Peter

Religious scholars and their use of social media to engage with young Canadian Muslims.


Payette, Alex

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Laliberté, André

Confucianism in its diversity in contemporary China.


Phonevilay, Lamphone

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Mémoire et transmission intergénérationnelle des réfugiés : le cas des Laotiens catholiques de Montréal.


Piluso, Caileigh Lyn

MA, Queen’s University

Supervisor: Young, Pamela Dickey 

The role of religion in the promotion of sexual abstinence for non-heterosexual couples in the United States.


Pineau, Josan
(February 2015-April 2015)

BA, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Courting the definition: Religion.


Pringnitz, Keelin

Graduate Student Workshop

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

The cross-section of religious impact on recreational facilities, namely accessibility challenges to athletic programming associated to an increase in religious diversity in Canada.



– R –


Raina, Ajay

PhD, Monash University

Supervisor: Bouma, Gary

Democracy and Minorities in a Plural Society: A Malaysia Case Study.


Rangdrol, David

Graduate Student Workshop (2011-12)

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Laliberté, André

The resilience of the Japanese secular state and the political participation of religious minorities


Ren, Zhijun

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Laliberté, André

Religion and nationalism in Republican China-2014.


Riddett, Matthew

Graduate Student Workshop (2013-14)

Stipend 2012-15

PhD, University of Victoria

Supervisor: Eisenberg, Avigail

My research is at the intersection of identity politics and Canadian child/youth education policy, comparing how the provinces have responded to increasing social diversity.


Riikonen, Tanja

Graduate Student Workshop (2011-12)

GRG (2012-13)

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Brodeur, Patrice

Politiques multiculturelles et identités religieuses en Finlande et au Québec: Étude de cas d’étudiantes musulmanes immigrées à Helsinki et à Montréal.



Ruiz, Giomny H.

Graduate Student Workshop

GRG (2012-13)

Stipend 2013-15

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Les dieux cubains en terre canadienne : Étude sur l’identité socioreligieuse des jeunes migrants cubains de première génération au Canada.



– S –


Sainsine, Yves

PhD, Université de Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Les églises protestantes haïtiennes a Montreal-Nord: une étude de cas



Salisbury-White, Caelen

MA, Queen’s University

Supervisor: Young, Pamela Dickey 
Goddess representations, pilgrimage, daily ritual, tourism, the Divine feminine, new religion/non-religion, alternative spirituality, ancient Mesopotamian deities, fertility cults, human rights in history, conflict resolution, women in peace building, popular culture, and multi-disciplinary interconnectivity.



Schonthal, Benjamin J.

PhD, Indiana University Bloomington

Supervisor: Sullivan, Winnifred

Law, democracy and religious diversity in Sri Lanka.


See, Erica

LL.D., University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Fournier, Pascale

The ways in which narratives of gendered and religious identities are articulated in the context of refugee determination hearings.


Sheibani, Mariam

MA, Carleton University (Second Reader)

Supervisor: Fournier, Pascale

Islam and Human Rights.


Singamsetty, Manvitha


PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Sikka, Sonia

Critique of liberal multiculturalism approaches to diversity



Singh, Jasjit

PhD, Lancaster University

Supervisor: Knott, Kim

Keeping the Faith: The Transmission of Sikhism among young British Sikhs (18-30).


Snyers d’Attenhoven, Victoria

MA, Université Libre de Bruxelles /University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Fournier, Pascale

Les problèmes contemporains de la laïcité et le rapport dialectique entre le droit et la religion.



Sotiron, Jean-Michel


Supervisor: Laliberté, André

Le Bharatiya Janata Party et ses conflits internes tels que vus par son traitement des minorités religieuses.


Sparkes, Jason

MA, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Brodeur, Patrice

Analyse comparative de la doctrine et des pratiques contemporaines de la voie soufie Burhaniya: Égypte, Soudan, Occident.


Springer, Victoria

PhD, University of Nevada, Reno

Supervisor: Richardson, James

Social psychology; Muslim self-identity changes in three western countries (US, Canada, Australia).


Starkey, Caroline

PhD, Lancaster University

Supervisor: Knott, Kim

Female Ordination within Buddhism in Britain.


Steele, Connor

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisors: Beyer, Peter and Lori G. Beaman

How Religious Rights and LGBT Rights Intersect Under the Charter.


Steele, Cory
(2016-18) MA, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G. 

Religion and politics/law.


Stein, Justin

GRG (2013-14)

Stipend 2012-13

PhD, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

Transnational religion, spirituality, healing, Japanese diaspora, New Age movement, science and religion.



Sudeyko, Natalia

Stipend 2015-16

J.D., University of Victoria
Supervisor: Johnson, Rebecca
The relationships between clothing, tradition, spirituality, and gender in indigenous communities


Swain, Stacie

PhD, University of Victoria

Supervisor: Eisenberg, Avigail

Religion, Spirituality, and Ceremony in Indigenous-Canadian Relations; Categories of Governance and Sovereignty; Cultural, Social, and Political Theory.



Syvrais-Gallant, Alexandre

MA, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Laliberté, André

Protestant churches and democratization in Taiwan and China.


– T –


Tagliente, Rosaria Maria

GRG (2014-15)

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Amiraux, Valérie

Laïcité et multiculturalisme. Italie-Canada.



Tahari, Makram

LL.D, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Gaudreault-DesBiens, Jean-François

La gestion juridique du fait religieux islamique au Québec et en Afrique du Nord.


Tajini, Fatima

MA, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Fournier, Pascale

Le droit des femmes à disposer de leur corps dans les religions monothéistes et les mariages interreligieux ou interconfessionnels et leurs conséquences au Liban.


Tang, Avian
Research Assistant
Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.
Editorial assistance and research on multiculturalism, secularism, diversity and agency.


Tanner, H. Nicole 
PhD, Monash University

Supervisor: Bouma, Gary

Melbourne Anglican Church Multicultural Ministry and Mission 1975-1995.




Tardif, Etienne

Stipend 2012-13

MA, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Thériault, Barbara

La pastorale en milieu carcéral et la perspective dramaturgique comme procédé d’analyse. Étude de cas d’une prison pour femmes du Québec.



Tataryn, Anastasia

LL.D., University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Fournier, Pascale

Law, Justice, Migration and Money: A Look at Non-Citizen Labour Migrants and the Law.


Thibault, Hélène

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Laliberté, André

Religious Revival in Post-Soviet Tajikistan: The Soviet Legacy Revisited



Thompson, Jonathon
MA, Dalhousie University

Supervisor: Helland, Christopher

To be determined.


Tomlins, Steven

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Opposing the Supremacy of God: Practicing Atheism in Canada’s Capital City.



Trevisan, Janine

(Exchange student, Jan-Oct, 2013)

PhD, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)

Supervisor: Beyer, Peter

Relationship between religion and politics, secularism and religious freedom. The participation of Pentecostals in Brazilian presidential elections, considering the redemocratization period in Brazil, since 1989 and up to 2014.


Trinh De Freitas, Josee

BA, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program: Case law database.


Turriff, Shaun

Graduate Student Workshop (2011-12)

PhD, Concordia University

Supervisor: Boisvert, Donald

Catholicisme québécois. Brother André and Mother Marie-Léonie: Catholic identity, saintly persons and social issues in Québec and Canada.


– U –


Urban, Jens Pierre

LL.D., University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Fournier, Pascale

Religion, beliefs & their influence on Canadian law.


– V –


Vanasse-Pelletier, Mathilde

Stipend 2014-15

Graduate Student Workshop

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Mes recherches porteront sur les Mormons, principalement sur l’expérience des femmes mormones.



Van Arragon, Leo

Graduate Student Workshop (2011-12)

PhD, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Beaman, Lori G.

The Ontario Election of 2007: Faith based schools and the boundaries of religious freedom.


Van Geuns. Suzanne

PhD, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

The position the internet lays claim to in its users’ daily lives, and more specifically, how that position is leveraged in the articulation and mobilization of right-wing political objectives.



Van Vu, Thai

PhD, University of Montréal

Supervisor: Lefebvre, Solange

Le bouddhisme vietnamien à Montréal.



Vergani, Matteo

MA, Monash University

Supervisor: Bouma, Gary

Terror Management Theory and fundamentalism.


Voudouris, Stéphanie

Stipend 2012-13

JD, Osgoode Hall Law School

Supervisor: Berger, Benjamin

To be determined.


– W –


Weatherdon, Meaghan

PhD, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Klassen, Pamela

Indigenous spirituality, social and environmental movements in Canada.


Wilkinson, Sarah

PhD, University of Victoria

Supervisor: Eisenberg, Avigail

Nations and Nationalism; Citizenship; Religion and Secularism; Multiculturalism and Pluralism; Migration; Europe and North America.


Woodlock, Rachel    

PhD, Monash University

Supervisor: Bouma, Gary

Islam and Muslims in an Australian context: A survey of religious Muslim Australians’ social attitudes.


– Z –


Zhang, Youna

MA, University of Ottawa

Supervisor: Laliberté, André

To be determined.