
Our stakeholder organisations have marked religion and diversity as an emerging issue that will have a profound impact on public life and public policy in the foreseeable future. They have expressed an interest in our research results, and will explore with us the possibility of working together on focused, limited duration projects related to knowledge transfer. Our shared commitment to exploring the issues around diversity and religion and to developing sound public policy will guide our work together. We will engage in a range of collaborative activities, including a mutual shaping of research questions and development of reciprocal knowledge transfer strategies. We anticipate holding joint events around delineated themes related to our shared interests. Team members have had previous collaborative experience with our stakeholder organisations, which means that we are building on an existing foundation. Stakeholders will be involved, as their mandates and interests allow, in research design, execution and dissemination/knowledge transfer aspects of our project.

American Civil Liberties Union

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The American Civil Liberties Union (Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief) was founded in 1920. It is a nonprofit and nonpartisan organisation that works to extend rights to segments of the population that have traditionally been denied their rights, including Native Americans and other people of color; lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender people; women; mental-health patients; prisoners; people with disabilities; and the poor.

Team members Jim Beckford and Benjamin Berger shared their results with Dan Mach, Director of the Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief, between 2010-2011 to consider the role of chaplains within prisons as studied by Berger and Beckford and its possible implications for religious freedom claims in Canada, the UK and the US.


Department of Canadian Heritage

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The Department of Canadian Heritage is responsible for national policies and programs that promote Canadian content, foster cultural participation, active citizenship and participation in Canada’s civic life, and strengthen connections among Canadians.

Human Rights Without Frontiers

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Human Rights Without Frontiers (HRWF) is a nonprofit organisation based out of Brussels, Belgium, that promotes human rights around the world. HRWF publishes a human rights watch newspaper, and leads independent investigations into situations considered human rights violations.


Ontario Police College

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We welcomed Ontario Police College as a stakeholder on the Project in 2012. The Ontario Police College (OPC) is a leader on the international stage of police training. We are committed to the continuous pursuit of business excellence while creating unique and innovative learning opportunities for new and seasoned police officers alike. Our classes are designed to support and ensure the delivery of police services that meet the needs of Ontario’s diverse communities.

Policy Horizons Canada

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Policy Horizons Canada (formerly Policy Research Initiative) conducts research in support of the Government of Canada’s medium term agenda. Its core mandate is to advance research on emerging horizontal issues, and to ensure the effective transfer of acquired knowledge to policy makers.


Statistics Canada

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Statistics Canada is the Canadian federal government department commissioned with producing statistics to help better understand Canada, its population, resources, economics, society, and culture.
