Le projet La religion, le genre et la sexualité chez les jeunes canadiens et canadiennes recueille des données sur la manière dont les jeunes adultes âgés de 18 et 25 ans, vivant au Canada, comprennent leur religiosité, leur sexe, leur sexualité et les liens entre ces facteurs. Les données sont compilées de trois façons différentes : un questionnaire en ligne (fermé en juillet 2013); des entrevues et des journaux vidéos (menés en 2013-2014).
Les données recueillies lors de ce projet seront analysées et présentées à différents publics (ex. grand public, décideurs politiques, groupes de jeunes et jeunes leaders, groupes religieux et leurs leaders). Cette étude est fondée sur des ressources provenant du projet de recherche mené par Andrew Kam-Tuck Yip intitulé « Religion, Youth and Sexuality ».
Cette étude est financée par le Projet religion et diversité.
Cliquez sur le lien suivant pour lire le rapport final du projet: Religion, Gender and Sexuality Among Youth in Canada: Summary and Selected Findings
Objectifs du projet
Le projet La religion, le genre et la sexualité chez les jeunes canadiens et canadiennes a quatre objectifs principaux :
- Explorer les stratégies d’élaboration et de gestion adoptées par les jeunes adultes (agés entre 18 et 25 ans) religieux et non-religieux, qui sont liées à leurs identités sexuelles, leurs valeurs et leurs choix.
- Examiner les facteurs sociaux, culturels et politiques importants qui alimentent le processus mentionné ci-dessus.
- Étudier la manière dont les jeunes adultes gèrent leur identité religieuse et sexuelle.
- Générer de riches données qualitatives et quantitatives qui contribueront aux nouvelles connaissances ainsi qu’aux débats politiques et académiques sur la religion, la jeunesse, la sexualité et le genre.
Équipe de recherche
Pamela Dickey Young, Enquêtrice principale
Heather Shipley, Co-enquêtrice
Ian Alexander Cuthbertson, Assistant de recherche
Comité consultatif
Peter Beyer
Marie-Paule Martel-Reny
Beesan Sarrouh
19-21 août, 2016
Pamela Dickey Young
“Sex, Religion and Canadian Youth,” Association for the Sociology of Religion, Seattle.
19-21 août, 2016
Heather Shipley
“Navigating Nonreligion, Gender and Sexuality: Intersections and Reflections,” Identities Under Construction: Youth, (Non)Religion, Sexuality and Diversity in the UK and Canada. Association for the Sociology of Religion, Seattle.
4-6 mai, 2016
Pamela Dickey Young
“RGSY: Emerging Themes”
Annual Meeting of the Religion and Diversity Project, Montreal
3 octobre, 2015
Pamela Dickey Young
“Sex, Religion and Canadian Youth: Identities Under Construction”
Religion Across the Humanities: Matariki Humanities Colloquium, Queen’s University
28 septembre, 2015
Pamela Dickey Young
“Sex, Religion and Canadian Youth: Identities Under Construction”
The 40th Annual Luther Lecture, University of Regina
1 juin, 2015
Pamela Dickey Young
“Gender in the RGSY Project”
Canadian Society for the Study of Religion, Ottawa
31 mai-2 juin, 2015
Heather Shipley
“Youth in Canada: Sexuality,” Youth in Canada: Religion. Gender. Sexuality, Canadian Society for the Study of Religion.
University of Ottawa
3 novembre, 2014
Heather Shipley
Seminar, Center for Global Engagement
« Strange Bedfellows: Religion, Relationships, Spirituality, Sex and Health on College Campuses »
Indiana State University, Indiana, United States
1 novembre, 2014
Heather Shipley.
« Religion, Youth and Queer Identities in Canada »
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
31 octobre, 2014
Heather Shipley
“Religion, Youth and Queer Identities in Canada,” Queer Religious Young People II, Society for the Scientific Study of Religion.
Indianapolis, IN.
18 octobre, 2014
Heather Shipley
Youth, Religion and Identity: A Canadian and International Workshop « Apathy or Misunderstanding? Youth’s Reflections on their Religious Identity in Canada » University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
17 octobre, 2014
Pamela Dickey Young
Youth, Religion and Identity: A Canadian and International Workshop
« Religious Influences on Sexual Values and Sexual Practices among Youth in Canada »University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
16-18 octobre, 2014
Pamela Dickey Young
« Influences of Religion on the Sexual Attitudes and Practices of Canadian Youth: the Case of Premarital Sex. »
Youth, Religion and Identity: A Canadian and International Workshop, University of Ottawa
16-18 octobre, 2014
Heather Shipley
“Apathy or Misunderstanding? Youth’s Reflections on their Religious Identity in Canada,” Youth, Religion and Identity: A Canadian and International Workshop.
University of Ottawa
25-27 mai, 2014
Heather Shipley
(Invited Panelist) “Taming the Beast of Research Design: A Roundtable Discussion on Ethics and Research Design in Religious Studies,” Canadian Society for the Study of Religion
Brock University
26 mai, 2014
Heather Shipley
Société Canadienne pour l’Étude de la Religion, Religion et immigration
« Belief not Religion: Youth Negotiations of Religious Identity in Canada »
Brock University, St Catharines, Ontario
5 novembre, 2013
Heather Shipley
Whose Religion?: Education about Religion in Public Schools Worshop
« The spaces in between: religious and sexual intersections in education », University of Ottawa.
4-6 novembre, 2013
Pamela Dickey Young
“Who Speaks for Religion?”
Paper given at workshop on Whose Religion?
Education about Religion in Public Schools, University of Ottawa
4-6 novembre, 2013
Heather Shipley
“The spaces in between: religious and sexual intersections in education,” Whose Religion? Education about religion in public schools., University of Ottawa
31 octobre, 2013
Pamela Dickey Young
RGSY Project Results
Rencontre annuelle de 2013 du Projet religion et Diversité, 2013, University of Ottawa.
23-26 avril, 2013
Heather Shipley
(Invited) “The Policy of Identity: Regulating Religion, Youth and Sexuality in Education in Canada,” panel: Sexuality, Spirituality and the Educational Experience, Gender and Education Association: Compelling Diversities, Educational Intersections
London South Bank University, London, UK
3 septembre, 2012
Pamela Dickey Young and Heather Shipley. Religion, Youth and Sexuality: Stories from the United Kingdom
and Canada » Religion, Gender and Sexuality among Youth in Canada »University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Dickey Young, Pamela. “Informal Sex Education: Forces that Shape Youth Identities and Practices,” in Critical Pedagogy, Sexuality Education and Young People, eds. Andrew Yip and Fida Sanjakdar. New York: Peter Lang, forthcoming.
Dickey Young, Pamela. “Influences of Religion on the Sexual Attitudes and Practices of Canadian Youth: the Case of Premarital Sex,” in Youth, Religion and Identity, eds. Peter Beyer, Paul Gareau and Spencer Bullivant, forthcoming.
Shipley, Heather. 2015. « Apathy or Misunderstanding?: Youth’s Reflections on their Religious Identity in Canada. » In Religion, Youth and Identity, edited by Peter Beyer, Paul Gareau, and Spencer Bullivant, forthcoming.
Shipley, Heather, and Pamela Dickey Young. 2015. « Religion, Youth and Queer Identities in Canada. » In Sexual Diversity and Religions, edited by Martin Jaime. PEG/Diversities Publishing, accepted.
Shipley, Heather and Pamela Dickey Young. 2015. “Christianity, Gender and Identity among Canadian Youth,” in The Brill Handbook of Global Contemporary Christianity: Themes and Developments in Culture, Politics and Society, ed. S. Hunt. Leiden: Brill Academic Press: 327-345.
Shipley, Heather. 2015. « The Spaces in Between: Religion, Sexual Identity, Media and Education in Ontario. » In Issues in Religion and Education: Whose Religion?, edited by Lori G. Beaman, and Leo Van Arragon, 211-230. Leiden: Brill Academic Press.
Shipley, Heather, and Pamela Dickey Young. 2014. « Values and Attitudes: How are Youth Integrating Religion and Sexuality in their Daily Lives? » In Globalized Religion and Sexual Identity: Contexts, Contestations, Voices, edited by Heather Shipley, 276-294. « International Studies in Religion and Society. » Leiden: Brill Academic Press.
Shipley, Heather, and Pamela Dickey Young. “Values and Practices: How are Youth Integrating Religion and Sexuality in their Daily Lives?” in Globalized Religion and Sexuality: Contexts, Contestations, Voices. ed. H. Shipley. “International Studies in Religion and Society,” Leiden: Brill Academic Press, 2014, 276-294.
Young, Pamela Dickey.“Influences of Religion on the Sexual Attitudes and Practices of Canadian Youth: the Case of Premarital Sex,” in Youth, Religion and Identity, eds. Peter Beyer, Paul Gareau and Spencer Bullivant, forthcoming.
Young, Pamela Dickey. “Informal Sex Education: Forces that Shape Youth Identities and Practices,” in Critical Pedagogy, Sexuality Education and Young People, eds. Andrew Yip and Fida Sanjakdar. New York: Peter Lang, forthcoming.
Young, Pamela Dickey, Heather Shipley and Ian Alexander Cuthbertson. “Religion, Gender and Sexuality Among Youth in Canada: Some Preliminary Findings.” Bulletin for the Study of Religion 45/1 (2016): 17-26.
Young, Pamela Dickey. 2015. « Religious Influences on Sexual Values and Sexual Practices among Youth in Canada. » In Religion, Youth and Identity, edited by Peter Beyer, Paul Gareau, and Spencer Bullivant, forthcoming.
Young, Pamela Dickey, and Heather Shipley. 2015. « ‘A Protestant with a seatbelt, I guess’: Christianity, Gender and Identity. » In The Brill Handbook of Global Christianity, edited by Stephen Hunt. Leiden & Boston: Brill Academic Press, forthcoming.
Young, Pamela Dickey and Heather Shipley. 2015. “Belief, not religion: Youth Negotiations of Religious Identity in Canada,” in Handbook of Children and Youth Studies, eds. J. Wyn and H. Cahill. Singapore: Springer: 861-873.
Young, Pamela Dickey. 2015. « Who Speaks for Religion? » In Issues in Religion and Education: Whose Religion?, edited by Lori G. Beaman, and Leo Van Arragon, 307-320. Leiden: Brill Academic Press.
Taylor, Yvette, and Heather Shipley. 2014. « Making Space Across Religion, Gender and Sexuality: Canada-UK Connections. » The Weeks Centre for Social and Policy Research, March 2, 2014.