Veuillez trouver ci-dessous une liste des publications communiquant les résultats qui découlent des trois phases de cette étude. Cliquez sur l’image accompagnant la bibliographie afin d’obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur chaque publication.
Phase 1: La diversité religieuse au Canada : 2001
Phase 2: Immigrant Young Adults
Beyer, Peter. 2014. « Regional Differences and Continuities at the Intersection of Culture and Religion A Case Study of Immigrant and Second-Generation Young Adults in Canada. » In Religion in the Public Sphere: Canadian Case Studies, edited by Solange Levebvre and Lori G. Beaman, 66-94. Toronto: UTP Press.
Beaman, Lori G. and Peter Beyer. 2013. « Betwixt and Between: A Canadian Perspective on the Challenges of Researching the Spiritual but Not Religious. » In Social Identities between the Sacred and the Secular, edited by Abby Day, Giselle Vincett, and Christopher R. Cotter, 127-142. Farnham: Ashgate.
Beyer, Peter. 2007. « La reconstructions des religions dans le contexte de la société mondiale: l’exemple de l’islam et ses conséquences. » In Vivre ensemble au XXème siècle: Actes du colloque international de l’Institut de sociologie, edited by F. Nahavandi, 319-331. Bruxelles: Institut de Sociologie, Université libre de Bruxelles.
Phase 3: Identité culturelle et religieuse au Canada (18-45 ans)
Beyer, Peter., Craig, Scott., Cummins, Alyshea. (Forthcoming). “Religious Identity Construction among Young Adults in Canada: The Religious, the Spiritual, and the Non-Religious” in Youth at the Intersections of Religion and Identity: Canadian and International Contexts. Bullivant, Spencer., and Gareau, Paul (eds). Brill.
Beyer, Peter., Cummins, Alyshea., Craig, Scott. (2017). “Religious/Spiritual Identity among Younger Adults in Canada: A Complex Portrait” in Young People and the Diversity of (Non)Religious Identities in International Perspective. Arweck, Elisabeth., and Shipley, Heather (eds). Springer. (Accepted).
Beyer, Peter., Cummins, Alyshea., Craig, Scott. (2016). “Measuring Religious Identity Differently: A Canadian Survey Study”. Bulletin for the Study of Religion, Vol.45, No 1.